Cute-Danny X Reader

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You and Danny Rand had been dating for a couple months now.

That's right.

The Danny Rand.

Girls love him, guys wanna be him, bad guys wanna beat him.

Too bad he's yours. 😏

You were just making some toast in the kitchen, spreading some Land O' Lakes™ butter on the crispy bread, when you felt a pair of strong, pale arms wrap around your waist.

You smiled, your stomach filling with so many butterflies you almost lost your appetite.

You felt your boyfriend rest his chin on your shoulder.

"What's up, Danny?" you asked, careful not to let your nerves interfere with your voice.

"Not much." Just feeling the vibrations of his words against your back was enough to make your heart go crazy.

He pulled away and leaned against the kitchen countertop beside you. "What'cha doing?"

"Oh, making toast," you said simply. You finished spreading the butter on your snack and took a huge..huge bite out of a piece of our toast. Like, so big that you took out almost half of the piece of bread. You looked at your boyfriend. "Nyou wanna mbite?" you asked him, your mouth full of food and crumbs tumbling onto your shirt.

Danny laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners and his grin growing wider by the second.

You blushed at seeing him like that. Seeing him laugh, letting loose, losing his cool and quiet zen side, made you happy.

"Ugh why do you have to be so cute?" you muttered to yourself.


"WHAT? Did I say that out loud...?" You blushed and shifted your feet.

Instead of running away or laughing at you, Danny wrapped his arms around you, in front this time, and laid his head on top of yours.

"You're cute too, you know," he said simply.

You blushed even brighter. "You think so?"

"I know so."

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