One Tough Cookie-Peter X Reader

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Okay, these next couple requests may be a bit short, so my apologies!!!

(Important a/n at the bottom, PLZ READ!!)


Peter's POV

I've been searching for a new superhero recently. Torque.

I also haven't slept in three days.

I start wandering through the halls of Midtown High, making my way-


I was gonna say 'to the exit!!'

Anyway, I finally get past the huge crowd of teenagers and the prison-like doors that lead to freedom.

I reach the corner of the sidewalk outside the school building and turn to the right to walk home, when I spot movement out of the corner of my eye. I jerk my head over to see what it is, and spot something I never thought I'd see.

(Y/n), one of my best friends, along with Harry and MJ, was wearing a suit and donning a mask that made her look just like...


She looks at me from where she is standing in..well basically an alley, and sprints off in the opposite direction while yanking on her mask.

"NO, WAIT!!" I chase after her. I finally, finally found her. I can't let her get away! I mean, I'd see her again eventually, but she's good at disappearing. She could go completely off the grid for months if she wanted to. I have to catch her, and I have to catch her now.

~time skip cuz I'm the laziest and most awful author ever, sorry to waste your time~

I eventually cornered her in another, dirtier alley. Between a barber shop and I think some hole-in-the-wall Chinese restaurant.

Torque/(y/n) turned around to face me, breathing heavily from our long-winded chase. "What do you want, Parker?" she snapped. Her Australian accent and just-loud-enough voice rang clear through the noisy New York City evening. "Now that you know who I am, what're ya gonna do with me? Try to sell me out to Fury?"

I shook my head so hard I thought it would fly off my neck. "I just had to find you. Torque. If I could find you, then I could finally convince Director Fury you could be perfect for our team."

She pointed an accusing finger at me. "You were gonna sell me out!!"

"No, no! Not like that! Trust me, I just want your life as a superhero to be the best. I really do! You're amazing, (y/n), and you're even more amazing as Torque. Please, trust me, you have to join S.H.I.E.L.D.."

Torque lowered her head, seeming to think. She stood still for what felt like absolutely forever, then finally whispered, "Okay."

This is for IITHUNDERSTORMII . I hope you enjoyed it☺️

How would y'all like a Sherlock oneshot book featuring Sherly and Jonny boy? 😍😍 tell me here➡️ if you think I should😉

Peace out!!

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