After all-Danny X Reader (Part 2)

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After your tearful goodbyes to all your loved ones, you left, never looking back. You sat aboard the royal family's private jet, already headed on your way home.

Your parents, the King and Queen of Ya'O Chun, had commanded you to come home immediately to be married to a stranger prince. You trusted your parents with this decision, even though you didn't like it, because you knew that they knew what they were doing. They knew what was best for the kingdom, and for you.

You wondered who Danny would end up marrying. You knew he was the future King of K'un L'un, everyone knew that. But he said he had no idea to whom he was engaged to marry. Ya'O Chun was right next to K'un L'un. But there was no way you were the stranger princess he would be marrying. There were many many other nearby kingdoms from which that princess would be. Surely you weren't that specific one. Besides, Danny knew you were the rightful heir of Ya'O Chun...right?

Did I ever even tell him I was a princess? you wondered to yourself. Pretty sure I did...

Your brainstorming was cut short by the royal flight attendant.

"Excuse me, Your Highness, but would you like something to drink? Perhaps your usual Stewart's Root Beer?" (A/n those things are SRSLY GOOD!!!!!!)

You shook your head no, your eyes still trained on the empty seat in front of you. "You got ginger ale?"

"Yes, Highness, I do." She pulled out a couple glass bottles of your desired soda. "Canada Dry or Ale81?" (Ale81 is a ginger ale sorta soda drink down here where I'm from y'all 😉)

"Canada Dry."

"Of course, Your Highness." She began to pop open the lid with a bottle opener for sodas, when you finally looked up at her, inwardly cringing in jealousy at how beautiful she was.

"Can you get me an ibuprofen with that?"

"Absolutely, Your Highness." She carefully placed the open bottle of soda in your armrest's cup holder, and placed a single-package ibuprofen on the tray in front of you. "The pilot says we'll be landing in about an hour, Your Highness," she said, smiling sweetly. "Is there anything else I can get you?"

"No thanks, I'm good for now." You picked up the medicine packet and worked at opening a corner.

"Of course. Just press the flight attendant notification button if you need anything else from me. I'll see you soon, Your Highness!" And with that, she was gone.

You swallowed your pain-relieving pill while looking out the window beside you, but only seeing clouds. You sighed, completely stressed and tired. Deciding to get some rest, you took out your luxury embroidered silk memory foam neck pillow and quickly fell asleep.

Three hours later you were back home and discussing the marriage with your parents. You were apparently supposed to meet your future husband today. Soon. Like, in 30 minutes.

"But father, I'm suffering from jet lag, and fatigue, and anxiety, there's no way I could muster up enough composure to be able to make myself presentable for him!"

"Trust me, my dear," your father, the King, said reassuringly, his deep voice soothing your frayed nerves. "This is no ordinary man, he will understand what you have been through."

You shrugged. "Very well."

"Good," your father nodded. "Now, go get changed into your proper attire, and in exactly twenty-five minutes' time, you shall meet your new husband."

A handmaiden ushered you away, blabbing on about how beautiful she was going to make you and such. You know that she's just trying to keep you calm, but all you can think about is how nervous you are.

What if he's ugly? What if he's fat, old, or bald? What if he's all four?!

No, no no. You were supposed to marry a prince, not some old King. But then again, there was that one prince from a kingdom about seven kingdoms away who was pretty much the royal version of a pathetic drop-out gamer. Disgusting.

God above, you prayed. Please don't let it be him!

Half an hour later, you were standing in the grand hall of the Ya'O Chun Palace, waiting for your fiancé to walk through those huge doors. Since it was now evening, no light came through the huge windows. The only light there was was from the huge candles lit everywhere. They provided a good amount of light, but the light of the flame never went far from the candle.

Suddenly, you heard a trumpet fanfare come from outside the castle doors. You shook in anxiety, and clasped your hands together in your robe sleeves, trying desperately to keep from trembling too much. The huge doors opened, and three guards, two monks, and a man in a hooded robe similar to yours walked in. The man's robe hood was lifted up over his head, preventing any light from allowing you to see his face. Your had yours up as well, a common tradition in this part of the country when bringing two together to wed. Even as the man came closer, you could not see nor recognize him.

When they reached the bottom stair of the dais, one of the monks spoke up, addressing your parents. "King (F/n), and Queen (M/n) of Ya'O Chun, I present to you, the fiancé to your daughter, the princess (Y/n), Prince Daniel Rand 'Kai."

Your eyes widened and your head shot up. You almost made the weirdest noise in the world, seeing as you were about to marry your boyfriend, but you managed to keep it down. Apparently Danny was stunned as well, because his head was now held high enough that the candlelight peeked into his hood, reflecting off of his beautiful face. His eyes were as wide as yours, his jaw slack with surprise. He suddenly pulled the hood off of his head and grinned wider than you had ever seen him smile before. You did the same, and ran carefully down the steps of the dais to collapse into the arms of your fiancé. You and him both cried, relieved and overjoyed. You parents and the monks smiled, knowing that this was probably the best decision they had ever made. K'un L'un and Ya'O Chun would now be joined kingdoms, and more importantly, (Y/n) and Danny would be one.

You felt like your whole world was fixed. You were no longer broken. Neither was Danny.

You were healed.

Ok, sorry for constantly 'updating' this chapter and the part one...I didn't proofread before I published them last night 😁😁😁
Also, this story, parts one and two, were requested by I_AM_QUEEN_GEEK . I hope this was what you wanted, haha! I got a little carried away with it and decided to make it dramatic!
One more thing, what would you guys say to a CREEPYPASTA BOOK?!?! Either a oneshot book, a preference book, maybe both in one book, idk I'm still getting the details figured out. But for you CreepyPasta fans, I'm definitely considering doing it, BECAUSE I AM ONE OF YOU!!!!! Haha! And you know that I only write clean; hardly any CreepyPasta books out there DON'T have a bunch of cuss words or inappropriate scenes and crap. So yeah, if you would like that, lemme know!
Bye y'all!!

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