Oops-Peter X Reader

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You held Spiderman's mask in your hands, trembling in shock.

Spiderman was...your boyfriend?!

You should've known. All those times he had to skip dates or show up late for school, it was all for some superhero-ing he just haaaad to do!


Spiderman was fighting some bad guy (probably someone lame like Batrok the Leaper or Doc Ock), and had managed to pull you out of the way of falling debris with his webs just in time. You watched, paralyzed in fear, as the huge chunk of building rubble smashed into the concrete where you had just been standing.

"Are you okay, (y/n)?"

Your hero's voice snapped you out of your paralytic state and you looked at him in surprise. "How do you know my name?"

He suddenly looked nervous. "I-I don't! You..you told me..earlier, yeah. I mean, how would I know your name? We've never even met, and-"

Wait. You knew that voice. The voice that always calmed you when you were on the verge of one of your panic attacks. The one that made your stomach swarm with butterflies when he whispered into your ear.

The one that had confessed his love for you.

"Peter," you interrupted his string of excuses.

He stopped. He didn't try to cover anything up. He stopped his rambling, and simply hung his head in defeat.

You immediately marched over to him. The hero. The Man of Spiders. The love of your life. And ripped off his mask.

His eyes were not sad, angry, or even regretful. Simply put, you had beat him. He felt the sting of defeat. And it showed in his eyes.


"So," you said quietly, looking at the web patterned mask in your hands. "You're Spiderman, huh?"

"(Y/n) I can explain!" he cried desperately.

You silenced him by looking up and wordlessly staring into his scared blue eyes. "I love you."

That was all it took. You and your boyfriend hugged and wept, joyful that no one was leaving the other over this revealed truth.

Together forever. That was your promise to each other.

And you were going to keep it.

This was requested by daughterofhades2005 ! Thanks girl! Sorry if it wasn't what you wanted haha..
Also, 200 views?!😍👌🏻😏
Until next chapter..

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