1,000 Years-Sam X Reader

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(A/n the song is 1,000 Years by K.T. Tunstall and somebody else, but I don't remember his name, sorry😂 Anyway, it's from Tinkerbell and the Legend of the Neverbeast. Yes I still watch Tinkerbell movies. I love them. Don't judge me. This song almost always makes me cry, it's so sweet/sad/sad/sad. Mostly sad. DO NOT PLAY THE SONG UNTIL I SAY SO, OKAY? Thank you☺️ please enjoy! This was requested by slaylar777 I know you didn't ask for anything specific, so I decided to take 'poetic license' and pretty much do whatever the what I want. 😅🤣 enjoy!)

For once, you hadn't beaten the bad guy.

Nick Fury had sent you, Powerman, White Tiger, Spiderman, Iron Fist, and Nova to stop the Goblin, who had been attacking the DBC News headquarters.

You thought you had finally defeated Norman Osborne, aka the Goblin, but this time you were wrong. He painfully pulled himself out from underneath the rubble you had trapped him under, and attacked you from behind.

He had ended up stabbing you with some knife he had. Foul play.

So this is what it came down to?

An ugly goblin version of your friend's best friend's dad stabbing you in the stomach with a wide-blade dagger.


But here you were now, bleeding out onto the concrete of the sidewalk. You couldn't really move, it hurt too much. Your left hand lay limply over your stab wound, as if guarding it from an opportunity for it to hurt more. You stared up at the sky, watching as the pretty azure dome above you slowly turned to pink and orange as the sun set in the west.

Nova suddenly appeared above you, ripping off his helmet and grabbing either side of your head in his trembling hands. "Don't leave me, (y/n)!" he cried. "Please stay alive, we're getting you help!"

You wanted so badly to comfort him. You wouldn't lie. Tell him you were gonna be fine, everything would be okay. Because it wouldn't. You were dying, and you knew it. The most you could bring yourself to do at the moment was grab his hand with your right one, stare into his eyes and whisper, "Sing to me...please..."


"A thousand years is a long, long time, even for a star up in the sky..." the love of your life began.

You wished you weren't dying so you could actually sing, but you croaked out a whisper to the best of your ability. "I could count the tears and the long, long nights, but I'd rather just remember how you smiled..."

"In a thousand years.." his voice cracked a little with emotion, but he kept going. "I know that our love will still be here..."

"So close your eyes, my dear, knowing that our love is going to last one thousand years..."

"The time flies by in a blinking eye, no matter how we try to make it last..."

"But if our souls are strong, they'll go on and on, and we will hardly know the time is past.." you coughed violently, accidentally getting blood on Nova's face, but he didn't seem to care.

"In a thousand years, I know that our love will still be here-"

You both sang together through great emotion and tears, "So close your eyes, my dear, knowing that our love is going to last one thousand years will disappear if we can keep each other here inside our hearts..."

You could feel yourself getting weaker, your spirit slipping away.

"We will never be apart so don't you fear.."

"Dry your tears.."

"In a thousand years, I know that our love will still be here.." he caresses your cheek, never ever wanting you to leave his side.

"In a thousand years.." you both rang out as well as a near sobbing boy and dying girl could.

"So close your eyes, my dear-" he joined you, "knowing that our love is going to last one thousand years..."

"Please don't leave me, (y/n). I love you too much to let you go." Nova kissed you gently, getting blood on his lips, but evidently not caring.

"I'm sorry, love," you whispered faintly, your last moments on Earth ticking away too quickly. "I love you," you said with your last breath, and gently closed your eyes, your grip on his hand loosening, your last bit of oxygen escaping your lungs in a delicate sigh.

"NO!!!!" Nova screamed and started to throw debris around, basically throwing a huge temper tantrum. But who could blame him?

You were dead.

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