What's Under the Tree?-Danny X Reader

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Danny's POV

"Ow...ow! Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow OW OW OW!!!!"

You may be wondering why I'm in so much pain. Well, it's simple really. Ava misjudged where she was putting the Christmas bow on my head and accidentally got my hair stuck on it. She was trying to pull it off, but that glue stuff on it is tough. You also may be wondering why Ava is putting a bow on my head. Simple; I'm going to be (Y/n)'s Christmas present. Yes, I got her other stuff too! I'm a billionaire for goodness sakes!

I sighed, the sticky bow finally out of my blond hair. "Okay Ava, this time please aim for my actual forehead."

Ava rolled her eyes. "I told you, it was an accident!"

"I know, I know. And keep your voice down, you don't wanna wake anyone else up."

She stuck the Christmas bow on my forehead, not catching any stray hairs this time. "It's 7 in the morning, Danny. I doubt anyone's getting up anytime soon. And right after this, I'm going back to bed," she stated matter-of-factly, followed by a huge, sleepy yawn.

"No no, don't-" I tried to stop her from making me yawn as well, but failed. I sighed afterwards. "Okay, do you have the tag?"

Ava sleepily tossed the gift tag to me, which I proceeded to tie around my wrist. She patted the top of my head and smiled. "She'll really love it," she reassured me.

"I can only hope so," I replied, pulling my phone out of my hoodie pocket. I was actually wearing my hoodie this time, instead of having it tied around my waist like I do at school. A hoodie and sweatpants. How romantic of me.

"Night," Ava mumbled and slowly made her way up the stairs to go back to sleep.

"Sleep well," I replied quietly, going onto Instagram to see what my girlfriend (Y/n) has been up to.

She had posted tons of cute selfies of her and her girlfriends at school. Ones of her and Ava in ugly Christmas sweaters. There was even a picture of Sam asleep on the couch, hugging a fuzzy snowman imprinted blanket and drooling. I suppressed a laugh and kept scrolling.

After a while of that, I got bored and switched to listening to music. I pulled out my earbuds from my hoodie pocket and put them in, pulling up Pandora and going to my classic Christmas station. I glanced at my phone's clock before locking the screen. 7:40. I don't know if (Y/n) is the type to get up early on Christmas morning, but I know that she hates mornings anyway. She's always telling me how much she hates having to get up for school, how much she hates the sunshine coming through the window, how her alarm clock always interrupts her dreams. In short, she hates mornings. But, who knows. Maybe she'll be up early this morning.

Your POV

I woke up slowly, my brain trying to figure out what time frame the world was now existing in. I groaned at the sunshine in my window and rolled over, my arm flinging off the bed and one leg hanging off the other side. Too comfortable. I crack an eye open at my alarm clock and jump out of my bed once I see the time. 8:30. It's early, but you gotta make sacrifices when there's presents downstairs.

I run to the bathroom and quickly scrub my teeth, then careen down the staircase, thumping loudly all the way. I straighten my Little Mermaid pajamas and look up at the tree.

"So pretty," I sigh, smiling. Then I look down to see my presents, only to see my boyfriend, Danny, looking right back at me. I giggled, and touched the bow on his forehead. "Nice packaging."

"Thanks," he grinned and held up his wrist. I peered curiously at the tag that was hanging from it, and turned it around so I could read it.

'You'll have lots of other presents today, but I'm hoping my love for you is your favorite gift of all. Merry Christmas!
All my love my darling,
Danny Rand'

You nearly cried at how sweet your boyfriend was. You knelt down in front of him and hugged him close. "I love you too."

He held you gently, sweetly caressing your hair. "Merry Christmas, love."

"Merry Christmas, Danny."

Sorry, I know this one is late. I meant to release it yesterday...😁
Hope you had a Merry Christmas and you'll have a Happy New Year!!

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