Late Nights With PTSD And Peter

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I sat in my room staring up at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried. Memories kept flashing into my eyes as I remembered what I did for HYDRA. I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen to try the warm milk method. I grabbed a glass cup and placed it back in its original spot as a memory flooded my mind again.


"You are supposed to do what I say, you worthless scum!" the 'doctor' yelled at me.

"I don't follow anyone's directions," I said, being a smart aleck.

"Well how about I show you then," he said. He took the nearest thing he had, which just so happened to be a glass bottle. He smashed off the end and stabbed my stomach just enough to pierce the skin. I screamed in pain as the 'doctor' laughed.


I opened my eyes wide and walked into the counter. I felt hot tears stream down my face as I started to cry. I grabbed a plastic cup from inside the cupboard. I open the fridge and try to grab milk, but another memory flooded my mind.


I sat in my cell, freezing. I was trapped in Siberia, and I was only fed 3 times a week.

"Oh (y/n)~" a sickly sweet voice said.

I walked closer and closer to the corner of my cell.

"It's time for your freezing exercise," the voice said.

I ran out of my room to go back on. The lady grabbed my face and examined it. She clicked her tongue.

"You only have a bruise," the lady said, dissatisfied. "Don't worry, we'll fix that," she said with an evil smirk on her face. "Now darling, we are going to freeze your arm and then cut it off, because he wouldn't want you to have an ordinary arm, now would we?" she said. I squirmed they strapped my arm down.

"Now (y/n), this will only hurt a little. And by a little I mean it will be torture for you," she said while smirking evilly.

I screamed as they poured the liquid nitrogen onto my arm. When they were done my arm was blue and frozen.

"Now the easy part~" she said in a song song voice. She took a butcher knife and cut off my arm from my shoulder. At this point I sss only subconscious of my surroundings. They strapped me onto a table and dragged me to the operation room.


I looked at my arm, which was now made with vibranium. I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. I didn't live alone of course. S.H.I.E.L.D. said I was too unstable to live on my own, so I lived with Peter Parker. I guessed he was asleep because I was alone at 3 in the morning.

"(Y/n)?" I heard a voice ask. I turned my head to see Peter standing next to the couch.

"Hey..." I whispered quietly.

"Why are you awake?"

"I never fell asleep. What about you?"

"Working on my costume. I ripped it."

I nodded slowly. He sat down next to me, not walking too fast. Peter was my 'supervisor.' He made sure I didn't try to do anything absurd like jumping off of a building or something like that. I placed my head on his shoulder as he grabbed my hand.

"Did you take your medicine?" he asked quietly.

"I took my last pull at 1 a.m.," I said. I felt him kiss my human hand.

"We'll have to get some more later, then," he mumbled.

"I tried to go to sleep but memories just kept flowing through," I said, hoping my voice didn't crack.

"You're supposed to come to my room if that happens," Peter said calmly.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't want to bother you." I had tears in my eyes now.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here to help you; remember that," he said as he hugged me. I hugged back and started to cry into his shirt.

"Shh,'s okay. You're here, and I will never let anything happen to you," Peter whispered. I started to feel drowsy and my eyes felt heavy. I tried to keep them open and I knew that Peter knew too.

"Go to sleep, (y/n). I'll still be here with you in the morning," he whispered. I finally gave in.

The last words I head from Peter were "I love you."

This was NOT written by me!!!!!
This was orchestrated by the amazingly talented Jadewonders !!! Thank you so much for doing this for me!!!😉😉
This was requested by ISHIPFORDAYS ! I know it's a little different from what you asked for, but I hope you enjoyed it!!

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