Daddy Issues?-Nova x OC

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This is for Autogirls . So sorry if it's too short, I'm so backed up on requests, but I'm working hard to get them done and have them be good quality, haha! I hope you enjoy. (Autogirls I think I may have improvised the plot just a tad, but for the main part it's pretty on point.)


Name: Ruby Romanoff-Barnes
Age: 17
Parents: Natasha Romanoff & Bucky Barnes, genetically mutated into a human girl by HYDRA with their blood
Powers: She can form a shield around her body and can protect anyone around her, but she has her limits
Looks: Deep blue eyes, fair skinned, curvy but in good shape, red highlights in her hair, and 5'3"
Personality: Tough and stubborn, wants to be an Avenger, used to being alone, kindhearted and will cry if her loved ones are in danger and she can't do anything, very sensitive about her shoulder that's branded with the HYDRA sign


"Hyaa!" Ruby swung her left leg in a high kick, taking off the head of a S.H.I.E.L.D. LMD designed to look like Doctor Doom.

"Ha!" She punched another 'Doctor Doom' in the chest, her fist penetrating the tough metal and comin out the other side, effectively taking it down.

Ruby launched herself onto the shoulders of the last Doom LMD, sitting on it like a little child perched on their father's shoulders.

"Can you see the giraffe, Ruby?"

"I can, Papa! Look at its spots!"

Ruby gasped, the sudden memory of her past startling her. Why had she remembered that out of the blue? She shook the random thoughts from her head, and ripped the mechanical head off of the last 'Doctor Doom.'
She fell off the bot as it too fell to the ground, but landed perfectly on her feet.

"Good job," said a voice behind her. She turned around to see Nova, who had set up the LMDs to look like Doctor Doom, for training purposes. "What do you say we try together on this next one?" he grinned.

"Sure," Ruby smiled back. "Go ahead and set it up."

Nova nodded and flew over to the other side of the room, then punched a few buttons on a control pad. He quickly returned as two LMDs arose from the floor.

The camouflaging system turned the basic robots into the likeness of none other than the Winter Soldier, aka Bucky Barnes, aka Ruby's father.

Ruby's eyes widened beneath her mask. She swallowed nervously as Nova shouted, "Come on, Ruby! Let's get 'em!" He flew for one of the two robots, firing his blue space-plasma stuff at it.

Ruby's breath caught in her throat. She couldn't destroy these LMDs! They looked just like her father, how could she hurt them?! They looked just like..her father...

"Papa, can I please have a cookie? Pleeeease??" Ruby tugged on her father's arm as he sat in his favorite chair, reading the newspaper.

"Ask your mother, Ruby."

"Mama said to ask you!"

Bucky chuckled. "Well all right then. Why don't we both have some cookies and milk?"

Ruby cheered, and her father laughed gaily.

Ruby's eyes stung with tears. Why must all these dear memories haunt her, especially now?

She fought back her emotions and swung her fist at the LMD that was coming for her. To only Nova's surprise, the LMD Ruby was fighting did the exact same thing. They both missed each other, and lost their balance. The LMD fell, whereas Ruby regained her composure.

Over and over again Ruby tried to take down the robot, and over and over again they both attacked each other in the exact same way, and over and over again they never touched each other.

Nova noticed quickly, and glanced at Ruby. "Why are you using the same attacks on him? Stop copying him!"

Ruby ignored him, and continued to attack the bot disguised as her dad, tears of despair and anger in her eyes. She knew why they both fought the same. Her father had taught her how to fight. Now she could not use anything against him, for all she knew was what he knew.

"Ruby, do you want PB&J for lunch?"

"Yes please, Daddy!"

"Ugh," Ruby groaned as she side-stepped a punch from the LMD. "Get out of my head!" she yelled in a whisper so that Nova would not hear.

She changed up her fighting style a bit from what she usually used. She combined a floor level sweep kick with an upward knee jab, only to misjudge and execute it sloppily. The LMD picked Ruby up and threw her into the air. She landed on its back, her arms wrapped around its neck.

Nova looked over at her. "Ruby, what are you doing?!"

"Ruby, what are you doing?" Bucky asked his daughter, chuckling to himself.

"I panting!" the two year old replied, who was still learning her big words. She held up her finger-paint covered hands, now stained red and blue.

"You're painting?" Bucky asked tenderly. "Painting what, big girl?" He bent down beside her and gazed at the painting. It was a mess of red and blue strokes and slaps and handprints, quite indiscernible to her father.

"It's a giraffe, Daddy!" Ruby exclaimed ecstatically. "The one in the zoo! Member?"

Bucky smiled and stroked his daughter's hair. "I do remember, sweetie. It's a beautiful painting."

Ruby squeezed her eyes shut and stabbed the LMD in the throat with a formerly concealed laser blade. (Kind of like the ones Kraven has, except blue instead of red, since they're S.H.I.E.L.D. issued.) She fell to the ground, landing on her knees, and broke down sobbing. For once, she didn't care about her dignity. She couldn't hold it in any longer.

Nova ran to Ruby and threw his arms around her; Ruby did the same. "Oh gosh Ruby, I'm so sorry!" he apologized frantically. "I forgot he was your father, I'm so sorry!!"

Ruby said nothing, only gripped Nova's torso even tighter. She sobbed loudly into his shoulder, hiccuping and gasping as she let her melancholy tears fall down her cheeks.

"Please, please stop crying, Ruby!" Nova tried in vain to calm his friend. He pulled away from their embrace and quickly kissed her, effectively stopping her tears.

Ruby's pushed him off and slapped him across the face, her eyes wide and her jaw slack with shock. "How dare you!" she screeched, although she wasn't all that put out.

"What?!" Nova yelled back. "How else was I going to get you to stop crying?!"

"I don't know, but it sure as heck isn't by kissing me without permission, Bucket Brain!!"

"Whatever, look, I'll apologize if.." Nova paused, thinking of a good deal to make.

"If what?"

"If you'll go out with me." Nova grinned, folding his arms.


"You heard me."

"What do I gain from this deal of yours?" Ruby asked warily.

"Uh, this," Nova gestured to himself. "Not something you'd want to turn down, sweetheart."

Ruby rolled her eyes. "Fine. On one condition."

"Name it."

She stood and positioned herself directly in front of Nova, her lips barely an inch away from his right ear. "If you ever do something like that again, I'll whoop your butt. Got it?"

Nova swallowed and nodded. "Got it."

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