Fate or Fatal?

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"Where is my suit?" Ian asked his assistant.

"In your closet" she replied from the other room.

He looked in his closet and sure enough there it was, he loved his assistant. He was so reluctant to hire one at first, as Nina was a little upset about having a female assistant. He kept trying to reassure it would be fine, and so far it had been. Klarissa had been an amazing addition to his life, she kept him organized in ways he never thought he could be.

"What time does this charity thing start?" He yelled back at her again.

"At 8, you are meeting nina there, as they are shooting till 7 pm, she took her change of clothes there, said she wanted to surprise you." Klarissa yelled again.

He smiled at her last comment that Nina had wanted to surprise him, she always did; she always looked so beautiful. He couldn't believe how lucky he was sometimes, that they were able to get past their issues about marriage and work it out, he decided at that moment that they would never ever be apart ever again.

"Wow you look strapping." Klarissa startled him.

"Thanks." He smiled at her.

"She isn't going to recognize you with that suit on." Klarissa smiled at him.

He turned away from her and looked in the mirror, he did look awesome.

"Time to go." He said as he turned and left the room.

" Have fun tonight Mr. Somerhalder."

"Thanks, and how many times have I told you.... my name is Ian." He said as he walked down the stairs.

He got out of the limo at the party, went in search of nina with no luck. He went outside to see if he could find her, he saw her across the street, he went to meet her; he didn't see the car coming.. It came out of nowhere, he didn't have time to react. He just braced himself for the impact. In the moments after the car hit him, he heard Nina's scream, and then felt the pain radiate through his body, then it all went black.

Six months later

When he opened his eyes, he heard the beep of machines, and the sound of someone yelling for a doctor. He was so disoriented trying to figure out where the hell he was.

"Ian oh my goodness thank god" Nina kissed him, and he could feel her shivers.

"What happened?" He needed to make sense of this.

"Honey you were in an accident, and have been in a coma for six months." "What?"

The doctor came in.

"Welcome back Mr. Somerhalder"

"Thanks" Ian said emotionlessly.

"How are you feeling?"

"I have a massive headache."

"That's common among patients who have woken up from a coma, we will get you something for that." the doctor was checking all his vitals.

"Was the person that hit me injured?" Ian was curious.

"She was fine, has been here nearly everyday though." Nina said sourly.

He took her hands, he always loved her jealousy act, made him feel so loved. That's when he noticed it.... her belly.

"Nina... " Was all he said as his eyes travelled to her belly.

"Yes, I found out the night that you were hit. " She said quietly.

"Wow, that's awesome!" He smiled the biggest smile ever.

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