The seperation

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Nina was sleeping as she had done so much of since Niana's disappearance, Ian didn't know how to help her, he was at such a loss himself.. They just kept asking over and over who would take their baby girl. Nina had revealed to ian that she had an affair with Paul, and she wasn't sure if Niana was really his baby. So much had happened in the three weeks since they were to be married and Niana was kidnapped. Police had no leads so far, except that there were no signs of a break in, police had questioned everyone, including Paul, of course he was the main suspect given the situation, but was cleared. Ian didn't know to repair his relationship with nina, the wedding was postponed obviously because of Niana, but he wasn't sure what he wanted to do when she was found safe and back in their care.

"Ian?" nina said groggily.


"Are you ok?" she asked timidly.

"No" he answered then got up and left the room.

She got up and pulled her hair back, checked her phone, no missed calls.

She padded down the hallway and found ian in the kitchen.

"Are we ever going to speak again?" she asked quietly.

"Are you fucking kidding me nina??!!" he yelled

"I made a mistake ian, but right now I could really use the comfort of my fiancee." she said calmly.

"Then go find paul, seems that you wanted him too, god nina, would you have ever told me if this didn't happen?!"

"I wanted to tell you ian, I really did, but I just didn't know how, I knew I couldn't lose you, it was a mistake and I had planned on telling you the night you had your accident, then I tried to tell you when you woke up, but I couldn't, I have not seen Paul romantically since you woke up, in fact I have been spending a lot of time avoiding him."

"Well you apparently didn't try hard enough nina. I don't know where to go from here, all I want is my daughter back in my arms where she belongs."

"That's all I want too, ian and I want you and I to get married and have the life we had planned, I know I hurt you and don't deserve it, but I can't live without you Ian."

"You slept with my best friend nina, that doesn't just go away."

" I don't expect it too, just tell me what to do ian."

"I don't know what to tell you anymore nina." with that ian walked away.

Nina just stood there, she didn't know what to do.

Her phone rang in her pocket, she pulled it out, it was the detective.

"Hello?" she answered frantically.

"Nina... we found her.... We found Niana.." That was all she needed to hear, she hung up the phone, grabbed her keys and told Ian to get in the car.

They pulled up to the police station and hurried inside, they searched around for the detective handling their case. they made their way to his office and knocked on his door. he opened it with a smile on his face
"Ian, Nina, I'm pleased to release Niana into your care once again." he said as he handed Niana to Nina and Ian.
" Oh my sweet baby girl, mommy missed you so much." Nina cried as she hugged her daughter before handing her over to Ian.
"Where and how did you find her??" Nina asked.
"We received a tip that a baby was found on a door step of a foster home.
" do you know who took her yet?" Ian asked.
"No not yet, but we will keep investigating, why don't you take your daughter home and just enjoy that she is home and we will keep in touch ok?"
"Ok thanks so much for finding our daughter, we don't know what we would have done." Ian shook his hand and Nina hugged him.

"Niana is all tucked in safely and sleeping." Nina said as she sat down on the couch beside Ian.
"That's good, I was hoping we could talk while she is sleeping."
"Ya of course, I kinda figured we should talk."
" Listen Nina, I am going to.... ya know umm move out for awhile."
"Ian please dont, we just got our daughter back, she needs us both." Nina pleaded.
"Your right, she does, and she will have us both, I will see her regularly, I just think it isn't fair to her to live together until we have tried to fix this, if it can be fixed, I mean I can't pretend like it didn't happen."
"I never expected to you Ian, but I also didn't expect you to bail the minute we got our daughter home." Nina couldn't even look at him.
"Here is what we will do, we will get a paternity test done this week and if Niana is mine, I promise we will work on this, but until I know for sure I can't live here."
"I know she is yours, I can feel it in my heart, Ian I really do."
"That's not enough for me nina, I need to see it on paper, so until then I'm afraid I can live here, I will come by and pick Niana up tomorrow for a bit." Ian got up and grabbed the bag Nina thought he must have packed while she was laying Niana down.
"Ian I love you."
" And I you Nina, please don't see this as a gesture that I dont, I just need some time. " he kissed her forehead then walked out the door.

Nina laid on the couch with Niana, people had been over all day, and one by one finding out that Ian had moved out temporarily, they didn't seem as surprised by it as Nina was, no one would say that they saw it coming. Paul called but Nina wouldn't take his calls, she didn't need to arouse anymore suspicion, but judging by his voicemails he had spoke with Ian regarding the upcoming paternity test this week. Niana stirred so Nina got up to make her a bottle, she cuddled her little girl.
"It will be ok niana, we will find out that your daddy's and not pauls, and we can get our family back together." she kissed her daughters forehead, and prayed that she was right. that she wasn't lying to herself or her daughter.

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