Dont keep me in suspense

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I woke up to the first day of shooting, it was time to get back to the grind for TVD. I stretched and noticed the shiny ring on my finger, the engagement ring that Ian had given me what seemed like forever ago. it was a perfect night that night, left the beach and went dancing, i couldn't be happier if she tried.
"Morning Gorgeous." I didn't even see Ian come in the room.
" morning sweetie, what time do we have to be on set?" I asked sleepily.
"Well if we are gona make it there in time, I suggest you get your cute little ass outta bed now, we have to be there at 9." he said.
I groaned and put the blankets over my head. he laughed at me, then came over and pulled the blankets off the bed, I assumed he forgot I slept with no clothes on last night. the look on his face was priceless.
"Either you get up and put some clothes on, or we are gona be late for work." he laughed at me.
"The nanny is downstairs tending to Niana, so hmmmmm I think I will stay in bed." I winked at him.
That was all it took, we were going to be so late for work.

We pulled up to the TVD set, it was so hard leaving my little girl, I was anxious the whole Ride, I think Ian sensed it as he kept holding my hand the whole time.
"Let's go make some TVD magic baby." he smiled at me as he got out of the car.
We walked hand in hand into the set. it was odd, cause I knew that Paul wouldn't be back, very strange for us all.
"Neens!!!" Julie plec came running up to me and hugged me so tight I thought she might break me.
"Hi Julie!" I said very excited.
"Ok now go get ready!! We need you two in twenty." Julie told us both.
Ian walked me to my dressing room.
"I will see you on the stage baby girl." he kissed me long and hard leaving me flustered
He slapped my ass as he walked away to go to makeup.
I sat down in my chair getting hair and makeup done, all the while all I could think about was Niana, and wanting desperately to be home with her.
"Ok Nina, go knock em dead." my makeup artist mark said to me.
"See ya!" I walked out of my dressing room. here we go I thought to myself.

We had an exhausting but great day on set. we came home, relieved the nanny, and put Niana to bed.
Nina seemed extremely quiet tonight, but not willing to open up yet, so we laid on the couch to watch a movie.
"Nia, please tell me what's got you so quiet tonight." I asked her quietly.
"I'm not ready to talk about it yet."
I stroked her hair and hugged her tightly.
"Ok when your ready I will be listening baby."
She curled into me so tightly I thought she would mold into my skin. so I just held her.
When the movie was over, I noticed she had fallen asleep, so I carried her up to bed, and changed her into pjs. she must have been really out because she didn't even stir. I laid down beside her and cuddled into her back.
"I wanna quit TVD." I heard out of nowhere.
"Really?" I asked totally blown away.
"Yes, I wanna be a stay at home mom. I don't wanna leave my daughter behind all the time with how busy our schedules get." she explained.
"Wow, umm well it's up to you babe, I will stand behind you 110% , I think it's great that you wanna be a stay at home mom, and raise our daughter."
"You don't have to quit babe, I think that TVD needs you." I smiled.
"Nina, while I totally support your decision, it's my fiancée ly duty to ask you if you have given this a lot of thought."
"Yes I have been thinking about it before we even went back. I just wanna be home with our daughter."
"Ok, then we shall let everyone know tomorrow." I said as I kissed her cheek.
"Thanks for standing behind me."
I laid there for a long time thinking about Ninas decision. it's probably going to kill the show, I mean she is after all the main character. but I would stand behind her even if it meant we both walked away from our careers.

Ninas POV

I went in earlier than Ian this morning so I could sit down and have a meeting with Julie and Kevin.
"So what up Nina?" Kevin asked me curiously
"Guys I love you all, I really do. but wit everything that's happened with my daughter, im too anxious coming to work, so I am afraid that I am not going to renew my contract after this season."
Julie and Kevin just sat quietly.
"No need to wait til the end of the season."
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Pack up your dressing room." Kevin said as he walked out.
I just sat there, what the hell just happened??
I ran to my dressing room and locked myself in there, I broke down and sobbed. did they really just fire me at the beginning of the season??
There was a knock at my dressing room door.
"Neens??" Candace called my name.
"Go away."
"Let me in, please."
"Candace please leave me alone."
I didn't hear anymore knocking, so I assumed she went away. then I heard yelling, lots of it. it sounded like Kat, candace, Ian and Julie.
"What the fuck Julie!!" I heard Ian yell.
"It wasn't me, it was kevin. I tried to talk to him, I swear I did." Julie yelled back at Ian.
"Where is she??" Ian asked still raising his voice.
"She is locked in her dressing room." I heard Candace say.
"Baby please open up."
I couldn't answer the door, even to Ian, I just sat there, and cried.
"Nina, baby please let me in." he tried again, I reached over and unlocked the door.
"Nina.... what are you doing?"
"Packing up my dressing room, like I was told to do." I said through tears.
"Look I m going to talk to Kevin and see if you can at least finish out the season"
"I don't even want to Ian."
" Come on, let's just go home to our daughter, and forget about this for the night."
He put his arms around my shoulders and led me out of my dressing room.
"Ian!! Where do you think your going??" Kevin yelled down the hall at Ian.
"Taking my fiancée home."
"You can't leave, we still have a full day of shooting."
"Watch me, or are you gona Fire me too??" Ian replied angrily as we walked out the door.

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