Just let it end

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We took Niana to Kats house, as spent the rest of the evening dealing with cops and reporters who were everywhere. Nina was exhausted. we rented a hotel room for the night to figure out what our next move was going to be, we weren't allowed in our house so we couldn't go home.
"Ian, I don't want to go back to that house, but we honestly can't keep moving." Nina was laying on my chest.
" I know babe, but I'm worried about going back there if they know where we live."
"I don't wanna keep moving Niana around, so we have to figure it out. we don't even know who did this, but I bet Klarissa had something to do with it."
"Nina, lets just sleep hun, we have had a long day, we will figure it all out, I promise."
"I want Niana, I don't wanna leave her all night."
" You need some sleep Nina, she is with Kat, she is fine. we will get her first thing in the morning."
"Or..... We could." she trailer her finger down my chest and kissed my neck.
I kissed her forehead.
"We really should get some sleep love, it's been a long day for both of us."
"But I want you, then sleep." she looked at me and pouted.
I laughed at her, and gave in.

I woke up to Ian's phone ringing.
"Hello?" Ian said sleepily.
" Mr Somerhalder?"
"This is he."
"It's detective rosengburg, I am handling your break in case."
" We have determined that Klarissa escaped from the jail last week. I am sorry that you weren't informed."
"What do you mean she has been out for a week?"
" She escaped during a riot last week and has been wandering around your neighbourhood."
"How the hell did that get past your people?? Your supposed to be protecting us, and now you tell me she has been on the loose for a week??"
I felt sick to my stomache as I listened to Ian talk to the detective, Klarissa has been lurking around my house and I didn't even know it???
I got up off the bed and ran to the bathroom, I vomited, and cried. I felt Ian's hands on the back of my neck, he was holding my hair back, and rubbing my back.
"Why can't it just end?" I said through tears as he held me while we sat on the bathroom floor.
"It will be ok babe, we are going to stay in this hotel until they catch her."
"Please get my daughter." was all I could say.
Ian called Kat and explained the situation to her, and asked her to bring Niana to the hotel.

One Week Later.......

I woke up to bright sunshine. it had been a week since the break in, they still couldn't locate Klarissa. but I decided it wasn't going to ruin this day, the day I become Mrs. Nina Somerhalder. I quickly got up and called Ian as we didn't spend the night together, just like the first time we were to be married. it brought back a lot of painful memories last night, especially being away from him and Niana, my mom took her last night, and even though I knew she would be safe, it scared me.
"Hi baby, it's just me, calling to say I love you and can't wait to be your wife after today. See you later my darling." I hung up after getting his voicemail, and gathered my things. there was a knock at my door. figuring it must be Kat, Candace or my mom with my daughter I open it without hesitation. The next thing I knew I felt a pain in my chest, I stumbled backwards and fell to the floor. then there was a pain across my wrists then neck. Everything went black.

I packed up what I needed to do Ninas hair and makeup and headed over to the hotel. I knocked on Nina and Ian's door for almost five minutes before I got worried. then I remembered that Nina gave me her hotel key last night. I unlocked the door ad opened it slowly.
"Nina?" I called out, no answer, she must be in the shower. I walked in further and then I saw it.... blood lots of it and Ninas lifeless body. I threw my stuff across the room and checked for a pulse. none. I called 911, then Ian.
"Ian... She's dead. she got her." was all I could say before I vomited on the floor next to Ninas dead body.

"Hello?" I answered my phone to Kats call.
"Ian.. she's dead... she got her." was all I heard before I heard Kat vomit. I hung up and rushed two floors down to mine as Ninas room, I burst through the door, saw her lifeless body and blacked out.
When I came to I saw Candace at my side, and the hotel room was filled with police and first responders.
"Nina, is she?" I stammered.
"I'm so sorry Ian, she is dead, there was nothing they could do." she cried.

Two days later
I was laying in bed, I hadn't slept much since Ninas death. I was devastated, we didn't even get to get married. I listened to the voicemail she left on my phone that morning over and over again. I had her cell phone beside me in the endtable. today we would bury her, I hadn't seen much of Niana since either, Kat and Candace had her 90% of the time. they insisted so that I could grieve and get ready for this day. How am I going to get through this? And raise our two year old daughter on my own. I would find a way for Nina, I wouldn't let her down. they had caught Klarissa pretty quickly, she didn't get very far. she was put in a place she wouldn't ever escape from, that made me feel a little justice for Nina. I decided to get up, it was time. Time to bury my fiancée.


Sorry guys!! I hope you all continue to read... I promise that the drama is over.... well the worst parts anyways. I hope you enjoy :) please comment and follow :)

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