forgive and forget?

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AUTHORS NOTE: hey guys i realize that last chapter may not have been the best, i am experiencing some writers block still, but want to keep it going the best i can. please help by commenting suggestions, and letting me know how i can do better. thanks to one reader who has already given me a ton of suggestions, all of which i have pretty well used :) isfdelena :)


I hear the knock at the door, and heart started to pound, this was the first time i would come face to face with paul, since the attack and i found out that he had been an accessory to my daughters kidnapping. Ian and i went to the door hand in hand and opened it, there stood paul with a beautiful woman, she was tall, with blonde hair and brown eyes, she looked very conserative.

"Please come in." Ian was the first to break the silence.

Paul and his lady friend came in and i shot ian a confused look as i closed the door.

"What a beautiful home, you have here, not really what i expected." Paul commented looking around our living room.

"Please sit, are you going to introduce us paul?" Ian asked.

"Oh ya guys, this is my girlfriend Taylor. Taylor, this is Ian and Nina." he introduced us all, and we said awkward hellos, well mostly awkward for Ian and I, as paul didnt seem the least awkward.

"So, what exactly did you want Paul." Ian asked annoyed, clearly he wasnt impressed with Paul just coming in our house and acting like nothing happened.

"Listen guys, I know that i am lucky that you have sat down with me, and i appreciate it so much, dont worry about censoring yourself, Taylor is already aware of what happened."

"you kidnapped my daughter, or had her kidnapped Paul, your damn right your lucky to be in my house." I found my self yelling at him.

"Nina, calm down babe." Ian put his hand on my shoulder and spoke softly to me.

"I cant forgive you for what you did paul, im sorry, i would like to, but its just an act that is truly unforgiveable." Ian added to my outburst.

" I have changed, and to be honest, i did it because i was scared, i was afraid that if she was mine, you guys would run away and never let me see her. I was afraid i would lose her, but then after i hired klarissa to do it, i immediately thought about what i had done, and made her put her somewhere she would be found and returned safely to you guys unharmed. I had nothing to do with the attack on you though Nina, that was all klarissa, when she got wind of what was really going on she like snapped or something, and freaked out. I had a bad feeling when you didnt show up to the paternity test."

" it doesnt matter if you were in your right mind or not paul, you still did what you did. we cant just get past it and go back to being like friends as if it never happened. i could never trust you with my daughter ever again... and does that hurt me, yes more than you could ever know." I started to tear up, so i stood up and walked out of the room.

"I think its time you left paul, clearly this is too much for Nina."

"So what you speak for her now and make all her decisions?" Paul snarked at ian.

"Listen, i suggest you shut your mouth right now and leave my house." Ian clenched his fists.

"tough guy act, ya i remember that, i also remember consoling her and having her cry on my shoulder everytime you didnt come home, or call, or even tell her you loved her. I remember that night even if it was just for a short time, i gave her everything you couldnt....." with that Ian punched Paul right in the mouth.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE." Ian screamed at him. I ran back into the living room to find paul on the floor, and ian standing over him.

"Leave now Paul or i will call the police."  i said quietly, checking Ians hand to see if it was broken.

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