Chapter 2: Getting left behind

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A new day awaits for Alice as she rushes in for her first class in school,
"Shit, I'm very very late!" She whsipered as she breathe heavily, catching up her pacing.

Meanwhile at the class of Mr. Wickket, where he is already checking for attendance; Alice burst in with flying pieces of paper carried by the small wind she made on her rush. "Ms. Perkinson, you are already tardy, sixteen minutes." Her professor declared, "Damn, so close." She whispered, panting, making her way to her seat.

She arranged her uniform to it's normality, and tried to comb her hair, making her best to remain presentable and neat. Then took her binder to catch up some notes written on the board. Ignoring the fact she is humiliated and her classmates stared at her.

[Lunch break]

"Hey, what happened to you back there? Looks like you pedalled the cab to reach school." Stella humorously said, placing her tray. "Oh gosh, I woke up very late, ugh hate it." Alice growled, Myla came to sit next to her saying,"Why,what did you do last night?". Alice took a sip of her juice, "I....I don't really know. Puberty?"

"Girl, don't expect to recieve a gift from Lady Puberty on that age." Stella said. "She always give us the pains instead."

Alice and Myla laughed.

"Oh wait! By the way, did you see Seline this day? She's not around since yesterday." Stella shifted the topic.

"She's always been present on the absent list. Deal with it Stell." Alice ironically said.

"Oh well," Stella shifted again," later will be having a quiz with Professor Presman."

"Oh." Alice gasped

"'Oh'...'Oh' ..... You didn't study ! Didn't you?"

"Please don't remind me about it, I really forgot about that quiz."

"Worry not lass, Valkyrie Myla is here to the rescue!" Stella childly reacted

"Shhh! Stay down ! You gonna get attention!"

Stella silently settled and ate her lunch.

"It's okay Alice I'll help you later, just stay behind me" Myla winked.


Like hell, what Stella did almost made my heart stop pumping. I don't wanna be humiliated and be the centre of attraction twice this day!
How, could she maintain her confidence throughout the crowd?

Like, she's not afraid to be noticed in an infamous manner. But still, she almost rallied an instant play.

"So , later on I will be sitting on the second row, you go adjacent to me okay, I mean stay right behind me, maybe one chair further to see my answers later, gonna make the font big for you to see." Myla directed me what to do later. She has already calculated all of what she had explained, that assures me of my quiz later will be free of anomalies!

I trust her very much on this kind of situation, all of us depend on her on times like this.

Sorry to interrupt. Let me explain it to you;
Myla is a scholar of Serenity College itself , her smartness is a natural talent she posses, in born gift, not like any other people who needs to acquire things on an indifferent time. She is simply a genius. She had tons of awards since first year of our college life. Yeah, and I admit I envy her for that.

Now back on track. The true reason why I am late is , its because I ate lots of vanilla ice cream, eating ice cream before sleeping makes my slumber a bit good and worthy upon staying up on bed for long times.
Sorry I lied fam.
Mother brought me two cans.
I can't blame her for that.

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