Chapter 21: Thunder and tears

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Myu myu~!

So how was the previous chapter? Trippy or nah?

Anyways, Let's continue reading!
Whispering voice: for those who's missing what's with Alice, she did envy her bestfriends, but she kept silent due to her relationship towards them. But one night, her feelings got murky and clouded.


Fast forward, Cole rode me home first before going off to send others.
Gee, the rain seemed heavy, I can't see a thing, just a misty trail of rain and fog along the houses.

I went to my room and groomed myself, while doing such. My mind pattered like the rain, my thoughts are rumbling, staring at the mirror.

"How, lucky of them..." I whispered.

My mom knocked and open the door, greeting me, kissing me on the forehead, then sat beside me, "How're you doing dear?" She asked.

I smiled " Just fine... Actually not."
My mom's reaction changed, "why?"

"I, I think I'm going to fail."

"Oh my."

"I'm so so sorry mom. I swear I didn't wanted it to happen." My tears starts to escape.
"All through these days Alice, your smile, your laughter, was just covering it up?"

"If I were just smart as Myla, this wouldn't happen. Ugh!" I started sobbing. " I feel jealous, I feel, envy."

"Why do you feel envious honey?" She smiled softly touching my nose's tip.

"Because, because they're life is so good."

"So you're not contented in the life you were in right now?"

"It's not like that mom.... I, I just hate myself for being lame."  I bitterly sobbed.

She hugged me closer to her,"Well,don't be. And there's nothing to be envious about them. Each one of us are special Alice. You, me, them. We're all special, that make's us commonly unique. Myla might be smart, but isn't she that strong enough in troubles like you had right now?"

My eyes swelled even more.  "You're saying that because I'm your daughter."

"I might be mistaken I'm conparing you to her, but honey, you need to see things a better more broad for you to understand. All of you won't be friends if you are all the same, there's no thrill on being with them. Right?"

I didn't get her words and stayed silent. She caressed me softly and patted my back.

Withdrawing, she said to me, "We'll I gotta go serve dinner. Wanna come down with me?" She offerred.

I shook my head weakly, wiping away some tears.

"Take your time honey." She said then went off.
It was minutes of silence, rain still pouring and faint thunderstrikes roar from afar.

I slipped my stone out of my pocket, and placed it on my drawer where I sat. I stared on it for minutes too. Then a voice whispered softly.

"Isn't the right time? Eh Alice?"

Alice knew whose voice it was, she slowly turned her head to her back and only to see a smoke compressing up to her bed. She sighed roughly, quietly preparing for a joust of words again.

"The stone can grant your wishes though,little Alice. Not just controlling others." Jiro smirked.

"Haven't I told you, I'm not interested." Alice calmly replied.

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