Devil's Spawn

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My stomach growled. I blushed.

"My bad." I giggled.

"When was the last time you ate?" He asked.

"What's today?" I questioned.

"Friday." He replied.

"Tuesday." I said.

"Tuesday was the last time you ate? That's not healthy. If they find us, you'll be dead." Clint got up and jogged off. He was right. I'm useless if I don't have something to eat. The same goes for him. He returned with a bunch of fruit. "Here ya go." He handed me an apple.

"Thanks." I laughed and ate it. We ate the fruit and started off. Again. Finally, the village came into view. "I know people in here. They'll help us."

"How do you know they won't turn on us?" Clint asked.

"I don't. Just, don't tell them your name and go along with whatever I do." I said as we walked into the village. A couple children stopped and stared at us. Everyone in this little place spoke English, it wasn't always accurate but it was English.

"Natasha!" A little girl ran up to me. I never got her name but I told her mine before. She had jet black hair and olive toned skin. "What are you doing here?" She pulled on my shirt. I knelt down to her level.

"I'm looking for you grandma. Is she around?" I asked. The little girl took my hand and dragged me to her grandma's makeshift house. It was made of rocks and dirt. Clint followed behind me. I pulled back a rag that hung from the doorway as the door. The woman, Chi, I was looking for was the village elder. She had gray hair with a few black strands. Everyone in this area was Indian.

"Ah! Natasha! Come! Sit!" Chi's wrinkled face smiled. I sat on the dirt floor, Clint followed. Chi's eyes shifted to my arm. "What happened?" She picked up my arm that was still bleeding.

"I'm in trouble with him again." I sighed. She mumbled something and walked out of the room, returning with a needle and thread, a damp rag, and a clean rag. She wiped my deep cut and started to stitch me up WHILE I WAS COMPLETELY AWAKE! I turned my head in the opposite direction, which happened to be Clint's chest. He chuckled. I winced a lot. It hurts to have a needle go through your skin.

"You and your luck." Chi shook her head and turned on the tiny tv.

"You're telling me." I mumbled.

"Budapest is being overran by the 'Devil's Spawn'. A terrorist group from the Middle East. They are searching for the infamous Black Widow. If you have seen her, please contact local authorities. The Devil's Spawn is terrorizing, killing, and ransacking homes of the civilians within the fifty mile radius of Budapest." A report announced. Hundreds of people are dying because of me. Innocent people. Probably children. My heart raced. Clint put a hand on mine.

"We have to go back." I looked at him.

"We'll get killed." He said.

"But they're killing hundreds of innocent people because of me." I looked at the ground. "I'm going back whether you are or not." I stood up.

"I am." He stood up too. We were talking in a very low whisper.

Well as you can possibly tell I know nothing about Budapest. Its horrible really, that I make a book about it and not know what the temperature or terrain is..... Ugh. THANK YOU ALL FOR READING THIS!!! I love you!!!

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