Change of Plans

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Mine and Clint's phones went off. It was two o'clock in the damn morning. Clint answered his phone first.

"Agent Barton? ..... Yeah.... Yes sir...... Okay... We'll down there by two thirty." Clint stood up. "Tasha? Baby?" He gently shook me.

"Yeah?" I sat up, brushing a hand through my thick red hair to push my hair out of my face.

"Fury wants us down at the base with the two kids." Clint was already putting on his jeans. I groaned and started putting on my leather skinny jeans and jacket. "I'll get the kids." He left before me. I took the arrow necklace Clint had gotten me off so it wouldn't get lost and I put it in a side pocket to my bag. I walked out to the roof after getting in the elevator. The jet was waiting for us. I sat by Clint at the table. The trainees sat across from us. Since both of my hands were on the table and Clint couldn't hold one, he just settled with having his hand on my knee.

"So what's the deal?" I looked through the file.

"Korea. South Korea." Clint sighed. "There's a gang we have to stop."

"Ooh. Gangs are fun." I snorted.

"Yeah. If you like thinking you've killed them all, you turn around and see thirteen more men." Clint chuckled.

"Yep. I like surprises." I sighed.

"So yeah. We just gotta wipe out the gang."

"I thought Korea didn't like us." Colton said.

"That's South Korea." I nodded.

"And that's where we're going?"



"Because North Korea doesn't want the gang to get to their border." Clint replied.

"I'm going back to sleep." I laid across the couch.

We walked through the woods in a little herd. Something grazed my arm. I whipped around to see we were suddenly surrounded by men. My fingers moved towards my pistol on my leg.

"Don't even try." One of the men said in Korean.

"What do they want?" Colton asked.

"I don't speak Korean!" Clint whispered.

"They told me not to try to get to my pistol." I sighed, then put my hands on my head. Katie, Colton, and Clint did the same. "We don't want any trouble." I spoke Korean.

"Then why are you here?" The same man walked to me.

"Whoa." Colton started to move, then stopped when a riffle was held to his back.

"I am here on buisness." I told the man.

"What kind of buisness does a woman such as yourself do out here?"

"What kind of a woman am I?" I put my hands down and walked to the man. He started to get uncomfortable as I put one arm around his neck. My other hand trail down his arm, and to his hand. I took the gun and threw it back to Katie. I kneed the man in his stomach and threw him into the wall of men who were suppose to guard him, all before the one man could register what was happening. That's when the fires were shot. Clint and I were just picking out the sharp shooters. We had them all dead in a matter of seconds. But out of the corner of my eye, I saw one man aiming for Colton. I pushed Colton out of the way just as the bullet hit my abdomen. After I fell to the ground, I just laid there and held my side.

"Natasha!" Clint put a hand under my head.

"I'm fine. Get off of me." I slowly stood up but used him for support. "I'm fine." I started walking again. Clint had gotten the man with an arrow.

"Are you sure?" Katie asked.

"If I can walk, I can live." I nodded.

"Hey, Natasha? Why don't you have a Russian accent if you're from Russia?" Colton asked after a while of us walking.

"Because I use an American accent half the time." I replied. He nodded. My vision started to get blurry but I shook it off.

"Natasha." Clint wrapped an arm around me to help hold me up. I sat on the ground and took out a tiny first aid kit. I wrapped a huge gauze pad around my torso and stood up.

"I'll be fine. Barton and Waters. Go west for a half a mile, then go north for three quarters of a mile, and then come back east for a mile. Woods? You're coming with me." I ordered.

"If I die its because she killed me." Colton put his hands up.

"Relax." I laughed. "Get going."

"You just let her order you around?" Colton asked Clint.

"Hell yeah. I don't wanna get shot." Clint mumbled as he walked away with Katie.

"Come on, Woods." I brushed a hand through my hair as we started walking again. After about thirteen minutes of walking, I heard talking.

"There's American agents here."

"We need to call the rest." Son of a bitch. There wash out fifty men in a group about thirteen feet from where we were behind a tree. I pushed Colton the other way and took off in a sprint with him by me.

"Barton! Do not go anywhere I said! Go back out to where we were dropped off!" I whispered loudly.

"Kay. We'll meet you there in twenty." I made sure Colton was beside me while we ran. I took out the emergency phone and called Fury.

"Director Fury? This is Agent Romanoff."

"What's wrong?"

"The mission you put us on was in Korea with our apprentices. They need to get out of here and the rest of the Avengers need to get in here. There's too many for me and Agent Barton and the apprentices aren't prepared for this."

"Okay. I'll have Agent Hill pick the two trainees up and drop the others off." I shoved my phone in a pocket and kept looking around, waiting for Clint. Both of them got to me and Colton just as the jet landed. Katie and Colton got into the jet, Captain, Stark, and Thor walked out. Banner didn't come because Hulk wasn't needed. After the jet took off, I looked to Captain, but they all looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You're the only one who saw everything." Clint chuckled.

"About four miles inward is where everyone was. There was about fifty of them and that's all I saw." I shrugged.

"Okay. Barton? Go around and to the east with Thor. Stark, take the skies, and you're coming with me." Captain ordered. "Let's go."

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