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We changed back to back. I put on a loosely fitting, light brown long sleeve. It was very baggy, but it would allow me to move better. I put on army camo pants that had a lot of pockets. I put extra bullets in them. I put my pistols in their holsters that strapped to my leg and my knife it its holster. I put on a pair of boots and pulled my hair back in a messy bun. Clint was dressed similar to me. He wore army pants and an army camo t-shirt with the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on it. He held the huge gun I had gotten in his hands, his bow was over his shoulder with the quiver. Clint grinned.

"Come on Birdie. Leave your bag here." I walked towards the city with Clint by my side.

"I love you." He leaned over and murmured in my ear.

"I love you." I smiled and pressed my lips to his for a quick kiss.

"Stay close to me." He whispered as we walked into the city. The guards turned to us. Clint had his bow and shot a couple guys. I shot some as well. I sprinted down the street. "Natasha!" Clint yelled after me. I didn't look back. I had to find the leader of the mafia. If I killed him, they would fall apart. I shot multiple guys as I made my way into a building. A man kicked his foot out in attempt to knock me over. My gun was out of bullets. I put my gun in its holster. I punched for the man's shoulder. He ducked and returned the punch to my right shoulder. I kicked his groin and he hunched over. As he did, my knee connected to his face, sending him to the wall. I brought out my other gun and shot him. I reloaded the empty one and put it in a holster. I made my way up the steps and killed a couple men in my progression. I made my way to a room at the end of the hallway. I held both of my guns up as I walked into the room. Twelve men were sitting around a table. I shot the four guards that were in the room, but not before one lodged a bullet in my left shoulder. I winced and held back my pain.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here. The infamous Black Widow." A bald headed man stood up. I held my gun to him.

"I will shoot." I hissed. His eyes filled with terror. I shot my gun. He fell to the ground. I shot the other twelve men before walked out of the room and went to a window. Clint was having trouble fighting off a couple guys. I jumped out of the window and landed on one of the men. I took out my knife and stabbed him. I moved on to the next guy. He had no weapon. His foot connected with my wrist, sending my knife flying through the air. When the guy hit my wrist, something crunched and my hand hurt like hell. The knife hit another guy, killing him. The one that kicked me, lunged for my abdomen. I jumped and wrapped a leg around his torso. I swung my body around, making him loose balance and fall. I got back on to my feet and help to kill the rest of the guys. There were two left. One's fist contacted my lip. I staggered back and kicked for his groin. He caught my foot and jerked me towards him. I kicked my other leg around and kicked the back of his knee. He fell to the ground. I grabbed my knife and stabbed him. I stood up and looked at Clint. He had just finished off the last man. He had a bloody lip, his forehead was bleeding, and one of his cheeks had a bruise. I jogged over to him.

"Are you okay?" I panted.

"Yeah." His eyes went to my shoulder. I was bleeding from where I was shot. "You were shot. You're lip is bleeding."

"I'll be fine." I shook my head.

"I called Fury. He's sending a jet over here." He announced.

"I need to go Clint." I started to back away. "They'll kill me without a doubt."

"No they won't. I told him I was bringing someone back. You're coming with me. I'll make Fury let you stay. If not, you can stay at my place without anyone knowing." Clint put a hand on my cheek. "I won't let them touch you."

"I-I-I-I'm not worried about them touching me. They could kill you for not doing your job." That's what Russia did. If you were assigned to kill someone and you didn't, they killed you.

"That's not how S.H.I.E.L.D. works. Just trust me." Clint murmured. "We'll make it." He rubbed my back.

"I hope." I nodded. He put his hand in mine, giving me a gentle squeeze. Suddenly, something sharp pierced my upper knee. I sucked in a deep breathe and almost fell, if Clint wouldn't have caught me. He turned and shot the person who threw the knife at me. I took the knife out of my leg and threw it at one of the bodies on the ground.

"Here." Clint wrapped an arm around my waist, helping me walk. I put my arm around his neck. He stopped outside of the city. "Stay here. I'll be back. I'm going to get our bags." He said before sprinting off. A couple minutes later, people started coming out of their houses. Clint jogged over to me. He returned his arm around my waist while carrying both bags. I put my arm around his neck and we walked for a couple minutes. My body ached. I felt like I was about to pass out. I heard propellers spin. A jet landed in front of us. A tall, dark man stepped out of it. He wore all black and an eyepatch. He walked over to us. He was Nick Fury.

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