Those damned sunglasses!!

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We rode in the stolen jeep for quite a few hundred miles when the gas ran out. "God damn it." I cursed. The little village was no where in sight.

"Maybe you went the wrong way." Clint mumbled.

"I've been here before. We'll just have to walk a couple miles." I grabbed my bags from the back. I slung my duffle bag over my shoulder. I looked up at the sky. The sun was in the middle. That meant it was noon. "Come on bird boy. We're going to have to walk for a couple hours at least." Clint chuckled and rolled his eyes. We walked for a couple minutes until I found a tree to sit under. I walked over to it and sat down. Clint sat beside me. I rummaged through my bag until I found some boots. My feet hurt from the ground. We weren't exactly walking in a desert but there was barely and vegetation. I got a pair of sweatpants and a tank top out. "Stay on this side if the tree." I told Clint as I got up.

"What? Why?" He asked.

"I'm changing. I'm sure you'd like to see me change but that's not going to happen." I grinned. He chuckled and his cheeks turned slightly pink. I walked around to the other side of the tree and put the clothes on. I put my dress back in my duffle bag as I grabbed it and returned it to my shoulder. Clint stood up and we started off again. It was getting darker as the sun went down. Tonight was going to be a full moon, so we could still travel. Why was Clint following me anyways? I never found out who he worked for and what he wanted to see me for. Why was I being so tolerant with him? Normally if people followed me, I'd either kill them or they'd leave when I threatened. This guy didn't seem to care. I heard sticks break. My hand snapped up and across Clint's chest, making him stop. I kept my head down but kept my ears opened so I could hear better. When you're trained as a master assassin since you were around four and you have people who want you dead, little sounds like these could mean a whole hell of a lot of trouble. I had my pistol in my hands in a flash. I heard the noise again and pointed my gun towards it. A big cow came out from the little forest that had sprung up over the past couple hundred years. I put my gun down and returned it to its holster.

"Why are you so edgy?" Clint asked.

"I'm just like that. I've been like that since I was little." I mumbled as I walked into the forest. Clint followed me. The sun was completely down and the moon would've been a huge help if the tree tops weren't in its way. "We're going to have to camp here for tonight." I said when I found an abandoned treehouse in a tree.

"In that thing? Its going to fall." He said.

"Are you scared?" I asked with a slight smile and a raise of my eyebrows.

"No!" He yelled. I giggled and climbed up the tree. My shoulder was hurting due to me carrying my twenty pound duffle bag all over. Clint came up into the tree behind me. I cautiously walked across the floor. It would creak but nothing broke. I took a place in a corner and put my duffle bag down. Clint sat next to me but left some space between us. I lay down on my back and put my arm behind my head. The hard wood wasn't the most comforting place to sleep but I've slept on harder places. It was hard for me to fall asleep, as usual. Clint didn't fall asleep either. "So why are we all the way out here in the middle of no where?"

"I am running from the mafia that is trying to kill me. I have no idea why you're following me." I grinned.

"I'm just doing what I was told." He shrugged with a smile.

"I know you were sent from where ever to kill me." I sat up and crossed my arms.

"I never said that." He shook his head.

"You never said it but everyone who follows me or tells me that they want to meet up somewhere wants to kill me." My voice was low and quiet.

"I'm different." He said. I couldn't help but to smile.


"You never said it but everyone who follows me or tells me that they want to meet up somewhere wants to kill me." She said.

"I'm different." I barely whispered. What am I doing?! I'm only supposed to follow her around then kill her. Why as I being all nice? I'm never like that. A smile grew on her face.

"I can tell." She whispered.

"And how is that?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"You haven't asked for sex." She grinned before laying down and going to sleep. What did she mean by that? I didn't want sex from her. I mean, she has a great figure and nice legs but I wouldn't.....


I woke up to voices talking.

"She stole the vehicle from town." A male voice said.

"They won't make it far. They're calling for a drought." Another male voice said. He had a deeper voice. I heard footsteps trudged away. I got up and walked over to the makeshift door. I saw a group of eleven men walking away. I heard movement behind me. Clint was awake. He walked over and stood next to me.

"We need to leave." I whispered. He nodded and got his bag. I walked to my corner and threw my duffle bag over my shoulder. The tree wasn't very high up, so I jumped. I landed on my feet and started walking. The fucking sunglasses returned to his face.

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