I love you

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I rolled over, still half asleep, on to Clint. I was chest to chest with him, again. "Good morning to you too." He chuckled. I rolled off him and stood up.

"My bad." I laughed. "Let's go Birdie boy. Wait. I have to do something before we go." If my back hurt like it did now and needed to crack. Doing a backbend always cracked my discs and shit. I pulled my tank top up so my boobs wouldn't show and went back into a back bend. My back cracked from the bottom, up. I stood back up and brushed the dust off my hands. I picked up my bag and started walking. "Come on Bird boy." I giggled as he just stared at me like I'd gone crazy.

"That looked like it hurt." He mumbled as we walked.

"Actually it didn't. I'm flexible so it helps when I fight." I said.

"Really? How could flexibility help in a fist fight?" Clint stopped. I put my bag down.

"Come on. It'll be a quick, clean fight." I grinned.

"If you say so." Clint huffed and put his bag down next to mine.

"You go first." I took a defensive position. He did the same. He lunged for my shoulder, but I ducked and swung my leg out, attempting to trip him. He jumped and lunged with his foot for my abdomen. I ducked. Pretty soon, we were just going back and forth at each other. I did a back handspring to back out of the fight. "That was good." I panted.

"You didn't need flexibility for that." Clint rolled his eyes.

"That's cause you are a good fighter." I picked up my bag and we started walking again. It was around eight, I guess, when Budapest's buildings came into view. We veered off into the woods again but we stayed where we could still see Budapest. There were guys with guns standing at the city line. "We should wait until in the morning to start the fight. That'll give us extra time to think and rest."

"Yeah. We'll take turns tonight staying on guard incase they decided to come here." Clint said.

"Yeah." I noticed his bow wasn't on him. "Where'd you put your bow?" It was too big for his duffle bag but he dug into his bag and pulled out his bow. He jerked his arm forward and the bow snapped open. "Ohh." I sat down and dug through my duffle bag. I got out the short dress I wore when I met Clint and put it on. I could see out of the corner of my eye Clint's eyes trailing up and down my body. I wasn't completely naked. I had a bra and underwear on. I hooked my pistols under the short part of the dress. "I'm gonna see if I can sneak into the city. If I can, I'll find out what their plans are." I started to walk but Clint put his hand on mine.

"You aren't going alone." He murmured.

"I'll be okay." I said with a reassuring smile. He let my hand go as I walked away. His expression was unreadable. I turned and sprinted for the city. I broke through to the woods. One of the men saw me. He raised his gun but I shot him before anything could happen. I took his giant gun and put it in the edge if he woods. That could come in handy. I saw Clint walk to it as I turned and sprinted back for the city. I went down an alley and climbed the wall. I jumped into the open window and landed lightly on the ball of my feet. I wiped my hair out of my face. No one was in the room. I slowly walked around the corner with my gun held to me. A woman stood in what looked like a kitchen. She held a baby in her arms. Her expression changed to fearfulness when she saw me.

"Please. Don't hurt my baby." She started to cry.

"I won't hurt either of you." I whispered and put my gun down.

"Are you with those guys?" Her voice was shaky.

"No. I'm trying to help you. I just need you to stay calm, act normal, and do not tell anyone that I was here." I said.

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