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Choi Youngjae's POV

It was Saturday morning.

Sitting on the chair, I enjoyed my breakfast like usual. My mom was cooking something in the kitchen and my dad was helping her out.

I got a lot of messages from Sana. I was surprised because she was so friendly to me. I was just an unsocial nerd that knew nothing about living like a normal teenager. So, what was she saw on me? When she said that she wanted to be my partner, I thought that we will just going to do the assignment but Sana said that she also wanted to be my friend. Truth be told, it felt... nice.

"Who are you texting?"

I came back to reality when someone snatched my phone away from me. Much to my chagrin, it was the troublemaker, the bully, the jerk, the-person-that-can't-leave-me-in-peace, Im Jaebum.

"Hey, give me back my phone!" I yelled at him angrily when I saw Jaebum read my messages with Sana.

What a jerk! He cannot read someone's private messages without his or her permission. It was rude.

"The fuck?" Jaebum frowned, his expression changed little by little as he scrolled though our conversation. I stopped struggling for a second.

"Really? You talked with Sana, the cheerleader?" Jaebum lifted his eyebrow, he raised his hand higher when I tried to snatch the phone away from him.

"None of your damn business. Now give me back my phone." I grumbled, feeling pissed off when I cannot take my own phone from him.

"Just take a seat, you nerd." He placed his palm on my shoulder and shoved me back into my chair, making me hissed in pain. Jaebum immediately sat on the chair, just in front of me while reading the messages. Sulking, I folded my arms. He was really a pain in the ass.

"Mom, dad! This jerk disturbing me again." I screamed loudly, trying to get their attention. If I cannot stop him, our parents could. Right?

"Not again." I can hear my mom soft voice coming from the kitchen.

"Jaebum, stop disturbing your brother." My dad yelled at him as a warning, but like always, Jaebum just ignored them.

"Do you really need to act like a baby?" He mocked, making me gritted my teeth in anger. I can feel the wrath was boiling inside of me, ready to explode at any second.

"Sana is a bitch. Stay away from her before you fall into her nasty trap." Jaebum exclaimed suddenly, not making any eyes contact with me but his voice was strict and clear.

From his expression, I can tell that he was totally serious. But, I did not understand why he talked bad about Sana.

And the way it sounded like he was commanding me, making me hating him even more.

"Do you think that I'll believe that? I know that she's nice." I defended Sana because I knew she was not like that. "Don't talk about her like that again." I hissed and glared at Jaebum deathly, but that was not effected him even a little bit.

"Nerd," He snorted, looking at me straight in the eyes. "In case you've already forgotten, I'm the captain of football team. So I kinda related with cheerleaders like her."

I rolled my eyes in irritation because of his cockiness. Did he have to remind me how freaking awesome he was? That was not the only thing that made him popular in school. He also the leader of dance club, and one of the smartest students in the school. In fact, more clever than me. It was kinda irritating how a bully like him can be so brilliant? I meant, most of his times had been filled with things like hang out with friends, practice football, went to party, get drunk, going out with some random girls from school. And bullying me.

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