A Deal

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Ciao sinners. I've been rping again and I came up with a whole bunch of new ideas that had basically nothing to do with the rp. So now I'm writing them here. I came up with a long story about how this all went down and I hope you peeps like it.

Germany seemed to be very lost. He was in the middle of the woods looking for someone who went by the name Luciano. It had been really hard to track him this far and now that he was lost in the forest, his chances of finding the man who went by the name Luciano had slimmed. But as his luck would be he had found a river. So at least he wouldn't die of dehydration. He suddenly heard splashing nearby and saw a rock fly across the river and hit the other shore. He looked to where the rock had come from and saw a small Italian wearing khakis and a t shirt that was a bit big on him. A jacket was strewn behind him and a small hat with a feather hanging off its side sat on top of the jacket. The Italian picked up another rock and flung it across the water and to the other shore.

Germany took a step toward the Italian before a small pebble flew straight at his forehead. "Who the hell are you?" The Italian asked without looking his way. "I'm Germany or Luther, but most people call me Lutz and I'm a hopeless romantic." He answered with a bit of a sarcastic bow, getting another whack in the head with another pebble. "Luciano or Italy. Nothing more nothing less." He paused and tossed another rock across the river.. "And I'm hopeless at everything."

"I'm sure you aren't hopeless at everything. You are pretty good at skipping stones." Germany answered with a smile. "And when did anyone get anywhere by skipping stones?" Italy heaved another stone across the water and to the other shore. "Maybe someone who went to the stone-skipping olympics?" This caused Italy to smile a tiny bit. "Hey, I've heard Italians are good with the ladies." Lutz wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "Not me." Luciano answered without glancing back. "Well... How about this? I will help you find something you are good at if you become my ally." Germany said confidently with a smile. "Sure. I'm game." He finally looked at Germany and shook his hand. "Now if you'd be ever so kind... Could you maybe help me find a way out of this forest that would be great. I'm a bit lost." Italy smiled. You want to go back to your country right? Germany is that way." He pointed away from the river. "You mind if I go with you? I can't exactly go back the way I came..." Germany smiled and nodded in response, grabbing the Italians hand. 

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