Seconds of Love and Another Tradgety

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1474 Florence, Italy

Luciano sat at the bar, not particularly interested in the show going on behind him. He just wanted a drink and some time away from his annoying brother. He fished around in his pocket for some money to pay for another drink, coming up empty handed. "Damnit." He muttered, getting up from his seat before a hand pushed him back down into his seat. "Another round for this man. On me." He looked up and saw a man with long brown hair, a goatee and blue eyes throw a few Euros onto the counter. The man looked almost French, but there was an unmistakable Italian gene in the man. The bartender got busy putting another drink together and slid it across the table toward Luciano. "And for you, sir?" He asked. "I'm fine." The man answered.

"So what bring a young man such as you down here?" The man asked. "I'm much older than I appear to be, and I'd appreciate it if you kept your gifts to yourself. I don't need your money or consideration." Luciano slid the drink back towards the man and attempted to stand up before the man, once again, sat him down. "What's your name then? At least tell me that." The man said in response. "It's Luciano and I don't like friendly people, so please stay away." Luciano shrugged the man's hand off his shoulder and walked through the crowd towards the exit, though the man followed. "Don't like friendly people? Why that's a shame. I happen to know plenty of friendly people." The man said as they walked out into the empty street. Luciano just mumbled a few profanities under his breath and walked quickly down the street. "My name is da Vinci, by the way. Leonardo da Vinci. And I hope you weren't referring to me when you said 'friendly people.' I have quite a few friends that would call me otherwise." The man rambled on.

"Nice to know. Now can you please go away so I can go home and get some peace?" Luciano asked, turning a corner sharply. "I can't. You've simply caught my attention and I can't look away. I have no choice but to follow you until you say you will be my muse." Da Vinci answered, his chin raised and his chest puffed. "Your what? I'm sorry sir, but I can't do shit for you at the moment." Luciano answered. "Muse. As in inspiration. Your eyes are unseeingly dark and mysterious, your face whispers something that I cannot yet hear. Pain, sorrow, your entire being seems to scream for release." Leonardo described. "Well, thanks. That's always what I like to hear. How unseeingly dark I look." Luciano answered sarcastically, glancing over his shoulder at the man. "Then what is it that your soul screams? Tell me, I'm dying to know." Leonardo answered, almost running right into Luciano when he abruptly stopped.

He turned around slowly and looked the man dead in the eye with an almost sorrowful look. "It screams words of a dying soul, slowly sinking into insanity." He then turned and continued walking as if he had never answered the question. "Words like that is what makes you so interesting, I think. It leaves me guessing." Leonardo took a roll of paper from a pouch on his side and a pen. He messily started writing notes as he walked and put the paper away again. "Explain, sir, what is it that makes you feel as if your soul is dying and sinking into insanity?" Da Vinci asked curiously. "After the years I've been through, it's hard to answer why exactly, but I think it's safe to say that it is because of death. It has consumed the only people I have ever loved and it never escapes me. I fear that even my love for my brother could cause death to appear again and steal him away from me." Luciano answered.

"I feel your pain brother. Your words inspire my art and they awaken my soul to what once was and can be again." Leonardo answered, closing his eyes for a moment. "So will you be my muse?" Leonardo asked once again. "You won't stop bothering me until I do, will you?" Luciano asked with an exasperated sigh. Da Vinci nodded his head. "Fine, I suppose." Luciano muttered and he could practically feel the happiness coming from Da Vinci. "Do you suppose I could stay the night with you as well? I haven't found a place to stay yet and it would dearly help me if you would." Luciano growled. "Fine. Just... Don't upset my brother. He is a bit... excessive. I wasn't even supposed to go out tonight." He cursed under his breath.

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