Things That Are Thicker Than Blood

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So, I'm back to my writing shenanigans again! I haven't been updating my other books lately, but I had a few... problems. And I've been busy writing on and I had to fix up my cosplay and get ready for Hetalia day and a bunch of Halloween parties too (that's not a good enough excuse, dumbass!) Yes, I know voice in my head. I cannot apologize enough to my previous readers! But I will get back to my FT book as soon as I get some good inspiration (which I have been lacking lately for that specific fandom). Gomen'nasai minna!

It had only been a few days since Italy had moved in with Germany when there was a loud knock on the door. Germany swung the door open to find a very fashionably dressed Italian man at the door. "Where is Italy?" The man asked quickly and without hesitation, pushing past the confused German. "LUCIANO!" The Italian yelled. There was the sound of boots hitting against the stairs and Italy suddenly entered the room.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. "Where the hell have you been?" The other Italian approached him, capturing him in a big hug. "None of your damn business, ass hat." Luciano growled, struggling to get out of the other's grip. The other Italian shook him by the shoulders. "You were gone for two years! I was so worried!" He answered.

"You didn't seem so worried when I left, fratello." Luciano ground out past his teeth. The blonde Italian just ignored this comment, looking around the room for the first time. "So you've been hiding out with this weird German?" He asked, scrutinizing the German standing confused behind him. "Better than England though, I suppose." He added. "Romano! What are you doing here?" Italy asked, exasperation written all over his face. "Oh, I just came to check up on mi fratello~!" The blonde hugged him again, letting go sooner this time though. "And to tell you that Miss Hungary is hosting a party tomorrow. She was so happy when I told her that I knew where you were. She thought that you were dead. So she is hosting a party for your return." Romano rattled on. "And also to celebrate Austria's absence for the month." He added. "Is that all?" Italy asked, leading his brother back toward the door. "Because if so, could you please leave and never come back?" Flavio turned around as soon as he was outside. "I'm going to come back every other week to check on you. And please come to the party. Miss Hungary would greatly appreciate it!" He said quickly before Italy could close the door in his face.

"Who was that?" Germany asked. "Mi fratello. His name is Romano. He's really annoying." Italy sat down with his back to the door. Germany went and sat next to him. "You seemed to want him gone." He commented. "Sí. We had a fight a few years ago. I ended up leaving and moving in with England for a while before leaving again." Italy answered without looking at him. "Why would you fight with your brother? He's your family."

"He wanted to send me to a hospital and I wasn't very fond of the idea." Italy answered, looking down. "A hospital? Were you hurt or something?" Lutz asked empathetically. "No, not that kind of hospital..." He trailed off. Lutz tried to think of a different type of hospital, but couldn't think of one. There weren't very many hospitals during that time and age to go to. Italy glanced at him, seeing the obvious confusion on his face. "He wanted to send me to a mental hospital. He thought I was insane."

Germany glanced at him. Italy didn't seem crazy to him. Or at least he hadn't acted the part of a mentally deranged man. He seemed perfectly normal to him. "But I know I'm not. England can see them too." Luciano half-smiled. "The strange creatures that I can sometimes see. And those strange faces in the mirror. Those faces that are our own, but also aren't." Germany watched him intently. "And he hears the voices too. I don't remember a point in time that I haven't heard them." His face looked dark. "I've heard a lot about crazy people. But none of them could hide it. I would never have known that you could see or hear things that I couldn't if you hadn't told me. But what I do know is that you are not crazy." He smiled at the Italian.

"Really?" He looked at the German. "Ja." Germany answered. "So England can see them too? The faces or whatever they are?" Germany asked. "Si. He said that they are from the 'Mirror World.' They are like us, but opposite." Italy answered. "You mean a whole world? And you can see it?"

"Well, I know a few spells that England taught me that can bring them to our world. I used to be so confused before I met England because nobody else could see them and I didn't know anything about these people behind the mirror. Now I know about the people behind the mirror. And I know that it is real." Italy looked up at Lutz. "I got to meet the England and Italy from the other side of the mirror. The Italy from the other side called himself Feliciano." He stood up again. "But that's not really important. I need to find something to wear to Miss Hungary's party." Germany stood up next to him. "Well I certainly don't have any fancy clothes, so I guess we'll have to go to the market." He grabbed his coat from the coat hanger near the door before opening it and leading Italy outside.

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