Accidents Happen

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So, if you haven't noticed, this isn't really like some of my other stories. This is probably the fan fiction where I started using longer chapters, I started using more words to explain things, and this story was also not written for little kids either. So this one was kinda hard to write, but at the same time, as soon as I started writing the words came to me easily. And also the fact that it isn't quite as kid-friendly as my other fics. My other fics don't really move this fast or they don't have any sort of ships going on in them at all, but I'm going to keep that stuff right here with this fic. But my fics here seem to be getting a lot more publicity here than my way better fics of archive or our own. I guess I'm just progressing. Anyway, enjoy minna! I hope I fulfilled your fluff needs!

Luciano blinked sleepily. He was very confused at first when all he saw was the sheets that lay over his body and another man's chest pressed against his forehead. He slowly let go of the shirt that he had somehow taken in his hands while he was asleep. He suddenly realized the position he was in. He screeched and fell backwards off the bed, hitting the back of his head, which had already been hurting. "Fuck." He groaned, rubbing the back of his head gently, his face bright red. He heard the door of the room open and could just barely process Lilika and Lutz kneeling over him. No doubt Leopoldo had slept through his screams and wasn't anywhere near. He looked up with glassy eyes as the pain started to subside just slightly. "What happened?" Lilika asked.

"I just tripped. Sorry for waking you." Luciano lied. "No, it's alright. We should be getting up now anyways. Leopoldo and I have work and you two need to get back home before I have to kick your asses out." She stood up and helped Luciano off the ground. "You're still welcome anytime hun!" She said quickly thereafter. Luciano rubbed his eyes blearily. "Sí, we should get going." Luciano agreed. "But, what about your dress? It's still hanging out to dry." Lilika pointed out. Luther hadn't gotten his own clothes washed (mostly because he thought it would be too time-consuming, which he was right about), but Luciano had washed his own clothes and hung them out to dry last night. "Well then, I guess I'm either going to have to wear wet clothes or borrow some of Leopoldo's clothes." Luciano answered.

"I was thinking something different." Lilika answered before she quickly left the room. Luther glanced at Luciano with a look of confusion before he decided to leave the room to get some breakfast. Luciano followed him, but as soon as he had stepped outside of the room, he was dragged in a different direction by Lilika.

Luciano moodily pushed the food around his plate, disinterested. Lilika had forced him into a bright yellow dress and Luciano was not very happy about it. It looked good on him like the blood-red dress had, but he still felt kind of insulted by having to wear it. Luther didn't laugh or taunt him this time. He just glanced up with a slight look of content and went back to staring down at his plate as he ate. Soon after Germany had finished eating and Veneziano had gotten tired of playing with his food and thrown it away, they said their goodbyes and left the home of the twins. They walked through the town in silence for a while until they made it to the bell tower, where Germany stopped walking when he saw what was painted on the tower.

"What is that?" Luther asked, confused. "Apparently Leo's 'addition' to the painting. He didn't bother to explain when I asked though." Luciano answered, glaring at it. They continued walking again in silence. "So what was really up with you freaking out and waking Lilika this morning?" Luther asked without glancing at Luciano. "It's still morning dumb ass. And I told you before that I tripped." Luciano answered dismissively. "That's not what it looked like when you practically pounced off the bed very ungracefully." Luther teased. "You were awake?" He asked quietly. "I was not only awake, I was also waiting for you to wake up and stop clinging to me."


"Are you always so clingy? Or am I just extra special?" Lutz answered in a half-mocking tone. "Fuck you." Luciano cursed, crossing his arms and looking away. "You wish." Lutz snorted. "I wish you'd stop talking." Luciano muttered. Luciano hadn't even noticed that they had stopped walking when Luther grabbed his chin so that he was facing him. "And I wish you'd stop talking too, dumb ass." He answered quietly before placing a soft kiss on his lips and walking off without him. Luciano just stood still in the middle of the street for a solid ten minutes, very confused and very turned on. "What the fuck?" He muttered to himself before running off after Lutz.

After a while of running, he finally made it to the outskirts of Vienna. Why exactly did they park so far away again?

Luther was already in the drivers seat looking very bored until he saw Luciano approach the vehicle. Luciano quickly got in the car, still panting from the long run to the car (not at all because he was extremely turned on right now and kind of maybe wanted more). "What the fuck was that?" Luciano asked in between breaths. "It was a kiss, dumb ass." Luther answered, starting the car up. "No- fuck. I mean, why?" He stumbled over his words. "Because I want to be someone you can love. I don't want you to be afraid to love anymore." Germany answered, staring down the road as the car sped down the path.

"What says I want to love a kinky bastard like you?" Luciano crossed his arms over his chest. "The look on your face says so." Luther pointed out. Luciano unconsciously touched his face and looked in the side mirror. He was right. He had a strange brightness that contoured his features and even his frown seemed happier than usual. "Look, you can deny what you feel all you want or choose to feel differently than I do for you, but I care for you. You should know that." Luther said with an exasperated sigh. Luciano slumped in his seat. "W-well, I-I-" Luciano stuttered uneasily. "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" Luciano suddenly burst out, putting his head into his hands.

Germany waited patiently, swerving the car slightly every now and then to avoid oncoming traffic and random objects that obscured his path. "O-okay. I-I can try." Luciano said quietly. Luther finally smiled.

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