Hungarian Parties

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Konnichiwa again, minna! I'm here to spread destruction! Anyways, some of you might be wondering why I am updating so quickly. Well, if you didn't read the summary thingy, this fic is something I also wrote on another website, so all this stuff has been rewritten. I will stop updating so quickly at some point, but then you guys are going to be  very disappointed since it will likely take me a few days to a week to update again. Gomen'nasai again minna!

Italy and Germany walked into the large mansion together, Italy wearing a dark blue suit and Germany wearing dark red. They looked like polar opposites walking into the large open space where the party was at. Hungary immediately came over to greet the duo. "Luciano! It's been so long! Where were you? I was so worried!" She said quickly, hugging him tightly. "Ah! Miss Hungary!" He said, almost falling over with the force of her excitement. She quickly let go and wandered toward Germany. "And this must be your friend that Romano was talking about. He doesn't look like an incapable couch potato to me." She murmured. "Well, don't let his looks deceive you." Italy answered. "I will have you know that I get up at least once a year to clean up." Germany answered with a slight smile. "And by then, you'd be drowning in your own filth." Italy answered. "Hey, Luci. There is some aged wine in the basement. I'm sure you know where it is. If you want it, you can have it." Hungary said grabbing his shoulder lightly, her layered pink dress swirling around her ankles to keep up with her movements.

He smiled and walked off without a word to one of the doors. "So what do you want to know?" Hungary asked as soon as he was gone. "What?" Germany asked, confused as to what she was talking about. "What do you want to know about Luciano? I raised him for most of his upbringing, so if you want to ask me something about him, you should ask now." She answered straight to the point. Germany paused for a few moments. "Has Luciano always been so cross with his brother or is this a new thing?" He asked.

"He wasn't always cross with him, but he never liked him either. After I found out that Austria had been hurting poor Luci when he was younger and that France wanted to take Italy away, I made the decision to let him live with Romano and Spain. He didn't like Spain in the slightest, but he put up with it because that was just the type of person he was. He didn't very much like his brother either. He never really got attached to anyone really. But Romano wanted to make him feel as welcome as possible, Flavio was always very nice. He was always worried about Luci's well being, especially after he started doing crazy things like starving himself for no apparent reason. Honestly, Luciano is a great man. It's just that he hasn't gotten over his past. But it's mostly my fault he ended up this way. I was never at home to protect him and I never realized what was happening until it was too late. I don't think he will ever love his brother or anyone for that matter. He's just... broken." Hungary looked towards the door that Italy had left through and saw that it was still open.

"I don't think he's broken. He's just missing something..." Germany trailed off. After a few moments, Hungary noticed that the door was closed again, meaning Italy had finally come back. She spotted him standing near a group of women, casually chatting with them. "You should go with Italy and meet Lilika." She said, pushing him toward the group of women and leaving leaving quickly before Lutz could protest.

"It's fine don't worry!" one of the women said, waving her hands in front of her face. "But I really do hate that I couldn't have at least been there." Italy answered the brunette woman. The woman's long silky brown hair hung down past her waist waving with every movement she made. "Hand me that bottle of wine and we'll be even." She answered. Italy hesitated for a minuscule second before handing it over to her. She easily popped the cork off with one of her long fingernails. She took a few empty glasses from one of the tables nearby and poured the liquid into the glasses evenly, handing the wine to the other ladies that were gathered around and a glass to Italy after the others were served. "It's really not that big a deal. Especially considering that you have probably already been to about a thousand of them already. You can visit him later if you like. It's not like he's going anywhere." She smiled. Luther stepped up from behind Italy, tapping him lightly on the shoulder.

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