Memories of Death

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Germany brought some coffee and mashed meat to the coffee table in the living room. Luciano had slept on the couch that night (not really, he just stared at the ceiling the entire night) because he hadn't really had the energy to move and it would probably hurt him worse if he had tried to. So here he was, in the same spot on the couch as he had been the night before, wearing the dress again instead of just a shirt now. It had actually been a lot easier to put on that a pair of pants would have been, since it didn't have to have a death grip on his wounded leg. Lutz had a fluffy white blanket strewn over his shoulders.

Lutz held up a newspaper and started reading it, taking small sips of his coffee and almost completely ignoring the food that he had laid out for himself and Luciano. "Luci?" Germany suddenly spoke up as Italy poked around at the food on his plate. "That's not my name." Luciano answered without looking up. Lutz completely ignored his comment and continued.

"Have you ever heard of the Italian serial killer?" Germany asked without looking at Italy. "Yeah, why?" Luciano glanced at Lutz. "A few years ago, he had started killing people in Italy and writing 'Italia' on walls with their blood. And two years ago, there was a few cases of murders in England as well." Germany continued. Luciano looked at Germany with a small amount of concern in his eyes. "Well, last night there was another murder that was very similar. A man had been walking home drunk nearby and wandered into an alley where he was murdered soon thereafter. Someone stabbed him in the head with a lead pipe and wrote 'Italia' on the wall in his blood. They found the body with the lead pipe sticking out of his head." Lutz said, looking up at Luciano carefully.

Luciano's eyes widened slightly. "Someone was murdered here in Germany?" He asked. "Yes. I found it especially strange considering the war going on here." Lutz mumbled thoughtfully. "Oh, and by the way, there's mail for you." Lutz finished nonchalantly. "You mean bills for you." Luciano answered without moving from his spot on the couch. "No, there's a letter with your name on it." Germany answered.

Luciano glanced down at his leg that was mortally wounded. "Are you going to bring it to me then? Or do you want me to get it myself?" Luciano said, annoyance etched into his voice. Lutz put down his newspaper disappointingly. "You mean you want me to go all the way over there and get it?" Lutz whined. "Oh, I suppose I could get it. Let me just get some pain relieving medicine before I go limping over there with my damaged leg." Luciano answered sarcastically. Lutz gave a short 'fine' before getting up and retrieving the letter and throwing it down onto the coffee table. Luciano leaned forward painfully and snatched the letter off the table. As he read, his face started to gain a look of surprise. He stood up quickly, almost falling onto the coffee table in the process. "What is it?" Luther asked.

"I-I need to go. Something important." He mumbled before Germany successfully settled the Italian nation down. "What is it?" He repeated. "Leopoldo, Lilika's twin brother, found something of mine. I need to go to Austria and get it." Luciano answered. It seemed urgent. Lutz half doubted that Luciano was telling the truth, but he would go along with it. What other kind of ulterior motive could the Italian have in going to Austria. And didn't Hungary say that Luciano hated Austria? True, she may have been talking about the personification, but wouldn't his vision of the personification affect the way he saw the land?

"Where are we going then?" Lutz asked finally. "We ?" Luciano answered. "Yes, we. You aren't going anywhere on a shredded leg." Germany answered, standing up with his arms crossed. "And besides, if you tried to drive all the way there, someone would die because of your reckless driving." Luciano growled. "I am not a bad driver."

"Yeah, sure you aren't. Now lets go." Luther said, turning around and heading for the door. "If you are going to tag along, at least help me get to the car." Luciano said, standing up slowly on his hurt leg as Lutz turned toward him again. Instead of just taking him under the arm and helping him limp to the door though, Lutz picked Luciano up bridal style and quickly went through the door and put him down in the car. "Fucking heavy." He muttered under his breath loud enough for Luciano to hear. "I'm not fucking heavy, you dipshit!" Luciano yelled from the passenger side. "Yeah, sure. Lets just get this puppy running and get out of here." Luther answered, closing the driver side door and starting the car up.

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