Leaving You Behind

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~Three years later~

Luciano heard a loud knock on the door and groaned as he got out of bed in only his boxers. He quickly pulled a pair of pants on before opening the door and slamming it closed again, surprised that Lutz still hadn't woken up to the loudness in his house. The door opened again. "Luci, it's not polite to leave your family waiting on the doorstep." Flavio said, walking into the house without any sort of permission. "When did you start walking around half-naked with other people in the house?" Flavio asked, looking down at Luciano's small frame. "Since I just woke up." Luciano mumbled, walking out to the kitchen and getting himself some coffee. "So why the fuck are you here?" Luciano asked. "Can't I visit my baby brother once in awhile?" Flavio answered with a smirk, leaning against the table as Luciano put the coffee beans in the coffee-maker. "No, you can't." Luciano glared back at him.

"So have you started making out with your boyfriend yet." Flavio stared pointedly at him. "Hell no. Why don't you go back home to your own damn boyfriend before he pisses himself worrying where the fuck you are." Luciano answered sarcastically. "You really think he'd be worried?" Flavio asked, a bit of hope shining in his eyes. "No, I was being sarcastic, shithead." Luciano rolled his eyes. "Wow. Rude much. I wonder how your boyfriend puts up with you?" Romano teased, winking suggestively. "Damnit, he's not my boyfriend. And he doesn't put up with me, I put up with him." Luciano poured himself some coffee, getting some milk from the fridge and mixing that in as well. "Mhm, I'm sure that's not what you said last night." Veneziano kicked his brother in the leg, very hard, and walked back to the table where he almost sulked over his drink.

He saw Lutz sleepily enter the room from the corner of his eyes. He was wearing only a t-shirt and boxers as he usually wore when he had just gotten up. "Speak of the devil." Flavio said. "What are you doing in my house? Again?" Luther answered sleepily. "I'm just checking up with my baby brother. Is that a crime? Really bello, I would have thought you'd caught on by now." Flavio smiled, sitting down at the table next to Italy, only to get kicked once again by his younger brother. "It's probably a crime somewhere to come around so often and just be plain annoying." Germany mumbled. "Well, if it were a federal offense to be as hot as the sun, you'd have been in jail for life." Flavio teased, earning another kick from Veneziano. "Luther just sighed and grabbed some coffee, drinking the stuff without any sort of sweetener. He also grabbed a bagel from one of the shelves before sitting himself down next to Luciano and faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away from Flavio.

"I guess your boyfriend only has eyes for you. Too bad." Flavio stood up. "He's not my damn-" Luciano started before Luther cut him off with a small kiss making his whole face light up bright red. "I say he is." Flavio answered. "Anyway, I'll see you later!" Flavio yelled back, slamming the front door behind him as he left. They sat in silence for a while before Luciano decided it was about time that he get dressed.

"Hey, where are you going, Luci?" Luther asked. "I'm going to get dressed and you should too. Why?" Luciano answered, looking back. Luther got up and put his arms around Luciano's waist. "You sure you don't want to dress down?" Lutz asked, giving him a small kiss on the cheek before going ahead of him to one of the rooms. Damnit, he needs to stop being so damn smooth, Luciano thought as he followed Luther back down the hall. After he made it back into the room they were now both sharing, Luther greeted him with yet another kiss, leading him back to the bed. "Damnit, Lutz. It's the middle of the damn day." Luciano panted in between kisses. "And?" Luther answered, kissing him again and again.

After a few more minutes, Luciano pushed Luther off him. "Get your damned ass dressed." He grabbed a shirt that hung in the closet and left to get dressed, but not before Luther managed to give him one last kiss and a smack on the ass. Luther picked out a random pair of clothes, all of them being either white, grey, or tan, meaning most of his clothes matched no matter how you put them together. He quickly got dressed and met Italy, who was grooming himself in the bathroom. He looked handsome as usual dressed in a red dress shirt, a black tie, khakis, and dress shoes. He looked casual and formal at the same time. Neither had been planning to do much that day so there was really no need to dress formally.

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