Tears of a Man Who Never Cries

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Germany lay in bed staring at the ceiling sleeplessly during this rainy night when he heard a door in the house open and close loudly, followed by the sound of uneven footsteps and something crashing to the floor. He sat up in bed. He dearly hoped that there was not a burglar. Not for his own sake or the sake of his belongings, but because he honestly didn't want to go out there and find a dumb ass burglar stumbling through the darkness of his house like an idiot. If he came upon a scene like that, he might just laugh and forget to call the police. And he really didn't feel like getting robbed at the moment either. So instead, he just hoped it was a cat or maybe Italy. One of his cats actually had learned how to open the doors of the house and unlock them. It was kind of cute. Except when the cat was opening and closing doors in the middle of the night and just being a real pain in the ass. He stood from his bed and slid on his jacket for no particular reason other than instinct and slipped out into the hall. He shivered as a burst of cold air from the hallway hit him head-on.

He looked around the dark front room only to find Luciano crouched against the wall whispering into the phone. Near him was a broken vase on the floor and dark spots on his clothing and the floor around him. It was too dark to see what it actually was, but he assumed it was mud or water as it was raining outside. Very loudly in fact. He tapped Luciano on the shoulder lightly. "Are you okay?"

Luciano turned with a small smile. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" He tilted his head slightly. "Well maybe because you are up in the middle of the night?" He answered a bit sarcastically. "Oh, sí. I'm fine. Just can't sleep is all." He answered, pushing himself a bit further toward the wall. "I-I'm sorry about the vase." He looked down a slightly. "It's fine. Just be careful the next time you are sneaking around in the middle of the night. But who would you be calling in the middle of the night?" Germany asked, tilting his head in the darkness. He didn't get an answer though because right then, the front door slammed open and a light engulfed the room. Lutz turned to see Romano standing in front of the door wearing a grey trench coat with a darker grey shirt underneath and darkly colored pants. A light grey scarf was strewn across his shoulders, and though he looked like he had been rushed out the door, he still looked very nice in what he was wearing.

He held a lantern in his hands (flashlights were not very common yet because they seemed very inefficient at the time) held a wooden box in his other hand. "Fratello, what did I tell you about going out at night?" He sighed approaching Luciano, who shrunk away slightly. "You told me nothing, ass hat." Italy answered with a snort. Germany now realised that the dark spots that he had assumed was mud, was actually blood. And there was a large amount of it. Especially on his left leg. Romano crouched down next to Italy and pulled at Italy's leg until it was no longer folded up against his body and now flat on the floor. He tore up the fabric around Italy's leg (Luther could swear he saw a tear running down Romano's cheek as he did this) and twisted the hatch on the wooden box, opening it and pulling out a long strip of gauze, cloth tape, and another piece of fabric that seemed to already be damp.

Romano quickly wiped off most of the blood with the damp cloth, revealing a multitude of scars along Italy's leg. "You really should stop picking fights all the time like this." Flavio said as he started wrapping the gauze around Italy's leg. "I was not picking fights." Italy answered, wincing a bit at the sudden pressure being put on his leg. "Oh? Then how'd you get your leg so messed up like this?" Romano asked, looking up a bit. "I-I tripped." Luciano answered. Romano just looked up at him for a moment before shaking his head with a smile. "You are such an idiot sometimes."

Romano finished wrapping the gauze, he actually had to use the whole roll because there was so much damage all over his leg, and applied the fabric tape to the gauze to hold it in place. "Now, you probably don't want to walk on that leg anymore, or at least until it gets better. You shouldn't have even walked all the way back here. It's probably going to take twice as long to heal now because of that." Flavio said. He actually sounded like he knew what he was doing, which made Germany kind of curious since Romano didn't seem like a doctor of any sort. "Well what did you expect me to do? Just sit on the sidewalk and bleed out?" Italy answered, wincing a bit as he tried to move. "Pretty much. That would have been better than walking on a bad leg and making the injuries worse. Honestly, what am I supposed to do with you?" Flavio sighed.

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