Annoying Visits

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Flavio was very surprised upon leaving his slick black vehicle in front of Germany's house to find his brother lying on the roof face-down. How could Luciano even get up there anyways? "Luciano! What are you doing up there?" He yelled. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm lying down on the roof." Luciano answered without moving. "Why are you lying on the roof? And how did you even get up there?" Romano yelled back. Luciano finally shifted to look down on his brother. "Because Kuro has taken over the house so I'm staying up here for the day. And I got up here by climbing the gutter. What are you doing here?" Luciano asked back. "I came to check on you as usual. Are you uncomfortable up there? Hold on, I'll get you some pillows!" Flavio yelled to his brother before going into the house before Luciano could answer. He gathered a few pillows from the couches before he noticed a Japanese man in the kitchen. He assumed it was Kuro since he had never met the man. He stood there for a moment with the mass of pillows in his arms before Kuro noticed him.

"Who are you and what are you doing in Luther-san's house?" The Japanese man asked quickly, walking briskly toward Flavio thinking he was likely a robber. "Oh, I'm Romano! Nice to meet you! You must be Japan. I've heard much about you from my brother, Luci." Flavio took Japan's hand as soon as he was within reach and shook it quickly. "You're Italy's brother? You don't look much like him. And he doesn't speak much about you." Kuro answered, raising his brows skeptically. "He doesn't talk about me much with anyone really." He smiled. "He doesn't really like me very much."

"Oh? Family problems?" The Japanese man asked. "Sí. Anyways, I'm just bringing some pillows for him. He's lying up on the roof if you didn't know." Flavio smiled. Kuro sighed. "What is he doing on the roof? He should help out and clean this pigsty house he's been living in." Kuro answered sternly. "He said that you took over the house, so he decided to stay outside on the roof. And I know for a fact that he cleans this place almost every day. It's just Lutz who keeps making this place such a mess." Flavio commented. "When was the last time they cleaned it? The kitchen was a mess this morning with bowls, plates, and pots all over the place. The food was still out and going bad. The living room was very messy too, with a few books left on the floor, a few blankets and pillows scattered around, and coffee spilled on the floor. Luther's room was even worse, with bed sheets and the like everywhere but on the bed, his and Luciano's clothes were strewn across the room, and they looked like they hadn't been cleaned in months. They were covered in stains But Luciano's room was perfect, so I suppose I should give him that." Japan muttered.

"You mean he didn't even clean up the food after they ate? That's unusual of him." Flavio asked. Kuro was still complaining under his breath, but looked up when Flavio said this. "Well, it seems to happen pretty frequently when I'm here. I guess he just becomes careless when I come." Kuro commented. Flavio hummed in answer. "I'm going to go bring these to Luci. Maybe I can figure out what's up or convince him to help out." Flavio lifted up the pillows in his arms and turned to leave. "Good luck with that."

After Flavio had gone through the front door, he looked up at the roof where Luciano was still laying and threw the pillows up to him. One of them hit Italy and he shot up, looking around to see the pillows around him. "What the fuck?" He looked down to find his brother already climbing up the gutter, being light enough that the gutter didn't make any noise as he climbed up. Flavio arranged the pillows and pulled Luciano on top of them. "Wha- get off!" Luciano protested. "There. Now your ass won't hurt as much." Flavio answered sarcastically, slapping Luciano's ass before he had sat him down. Luciano shrieked and lunged at his brother. "What the fuck?!"

"I'd say that means you had a fun time with Luther last night, no?" Flavio smirked, hugging his younger brother. "W-what?" Luciano asked, panic-stricken. "You better not have been snooping around last night!" Luciano tried to push his brother off of him to no avail. "Don't worry, I wasn't. I just guessed since you were laying down pretty uncomfortably and since Luther's bedroom looked like it was very obviously used for activities other than sleeping last night." Flavio raised his eyebrows in suggestion and let go of Luciano. "Well, it's none of your business anyways." Luciano crossed his arms in front of his chest. "It is my business. I want to know that my brother is being safe. I want to know exactly what happened. Did he hurt you? Did he seem to know what he was doing? Did he know what was safe?" Flavio bombarded him with a number of questions. "I'm not about to tell you about my sex life. And you aren't my brother. Not really." Luciano glared at Flavio. Romano sighed. "Luciano, I never wanted you to leave, you have to know that. I just didn't know what to do to help you. I thought that I could find other people who could help you there. I guess I was looking in the wrong place. I don't dislike you because you think and act differently that me. I just wanted the chance to try to put the broken pieces back together. I wanted to fix your brokenness not your mindset. I wanted you to be happy again, but I didn't know how to do that." Flavio looked down.

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