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- Craig
I tossed and turned in my bed , my head started pounding , my body started shaking . When my body started to heat up I took my sweatshirt off and sat up.
I looked around the room and saw a gray figure standing infront of my tv. I stared and blinked . What is this? I began to get up when the figure charged at me , I screamed at the top of my lungs and then everything went black.

- Trey
I woke up in Corahn's brothers empty guest room . I looked around for corahn but he wasn't in there . My phone started to ring , it was my mom , I sluggishly answered it " hello "
" Trey ! Where are you?! " my mom said with a frustrated tone.
" I went to stay with Chase " chase is a friend that I only talk to in school.
" you didn't ask me to go anywhere tho. Bring your ass home now "
" k whatever " I said hanging up the phone . Corahn walked in the room .

" good morning " he said " my brother isn't here so you can take a shower now and then we can leave "
" okay " I got up and walked in the bathroom and turned on the shower water . "God I'm tired , scared and worried " I thought as I put my hair in a bun. I'm just confused too , why is everything happening like this? And why is it happening so fast?
I got in the shower and quickly washed up so I can hurry and get home. When I got out , I wrapped my towel around me and walked back into the room. I looked through my pink and blue zebra print duffel bag I brought in with me and pulled out my basketball sweatpants and a tank top with my black jacket. I grabbed my bag and walked out to the living room .
" you ready ? " corahn said standing up . " we can stop and get something to eat on our way back "
" yup " I said sliding my phone in my pocket . He grabbed my bag and we walked outside to his car. We got in and he started to drive. The closer we got to my house the more my stomach dropped. I'm still stuck on the text he got from the blocked number. He was really upset about that , could it have been Craig?
I sighed and looked out the window hugging my knees as we drove down my street. When we got about two houses down i saw a familiar car outside .Idk what to expect . Corahn pulled up to my house and I looked at him.
" you scared ? " he said
" no I just " I sighed again " I don't know "
" it'll be okay " he said kissing me on my cheek and getting out. I got out after him and met him at the back of his car. He was grabbing my two bags . We walked to my door and I opened it with my key. I heard my mom and mike talking to some other people that weren't Randy and Ray . We hurried up the stairs to my room.

I looked out the window " oh my gosh "
I said sitting on my bed. " I wonder where Randy is "
" she's probably at a friends house "
" hmm maybe.. But thanks for everything " i said as he walked towards the door . I got up and followed him downstairs and let him out. im trying to forget about the text message situation .

I walked into the kitchen to see four adults sitting at the table and Randy and Ray standing against the counters. They all turned and looked at me. I stood there and looked back at them. Craig's foster parents were here .. For what?
" Trey " Randy said walking towards me " where have you been ?! "
" nowhere " I said " why are they here ? " I looked at his foster parents
" well hello to you too " my mom said
" why are they here? Are y'all gonna answer me or nah? "
" umm " ray said " I'm going upstairs " he walked upstairs. They know I don't like when they try to keep stuff from me.
" HELLO ?! Why are they here ?! "
" calm down " mike said standing up
" no . You're not my dad so stop talking to me . Why are they here ?! "
My mom looked at me and stood up " you better calm down before you get smacked girl " she said .
I rolled my eyes and looked at Craig's foster parents " why are y'all here ? "
" Craig went missing last night " his foster mom said .
I screwed my face up and screamed loudly " WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN HE WENT MISSING ?! "
My mom walked over to me and grabbed my arm " CALM DOWN AND WATCH YOUR MOUTH "
" NO ! " I yanked my hand away " WHERE IS HE ?! "
" trey " randy said trying to take me upstairs . I pushed her off of me
" I'm so done . " I looked over to see a gray figure in the corner . I just knew it was Chres who did this " AND YALL THOUGHT I WAS CRAZY ! IM NOT CRAZY ! IT WAS CHRES I TOLD YOU ! BUT IM THE CRAZY ONE ?! "
" TREY SHUT UP CHRESANTO IS DEAD ! " my mom yelled at me
" I told you Kellie , send her to a home " mike said shaking his head
" you know what fuck you ! " I said screwing my face up at mike . My moms hand went straight across my face , my face started to sting and turn red . I started to cry and pushed her away from me . She grabbed me and held my against the wall. I kicked her as hard as I can . She stood up and threw me to the floor. I dragged her down and punched her in her face and she slapped me . Craig's foster dad picked me up off of her and mike grabbed her. I screamed and started to cry harder.
" get her out of here " my mom screamed
" fuck you . I fucking hate you " I yelled at her and getting out of his fosters dad grip and ran upstairs and grabbed my phone and car keys. I was so done with everything . I can't take it . My heart started pounding harder . I got in my car and started to drive. Idk where I'm going just hopefully it's somewhere far away from here.


Yes yes I'm back (: and I'm really back to writing this time . I got a few kik messages that really made me wanna try to continue writing .. I'm sorry it's been MONTHS . I'm sure I've lost alot of readers but that's okay (:
Kik - .hahabitch.
Please comment and kik what y'all think . Ill be replying all weekend and tonight (:
Btw book two will be started tomorrow night (:

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