Chapter Twenty Four

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Ida texted me saying she'd be round in about an hour and that she had gotten the body and was now making slight repairs to it. I was thrilled and glanced over at Jack, who had been sitting stiffly on Dark's lap for a few hours, Dark not growing anxious at all whatsoever. He would repeatedly whisper things to him which would either make Jack cry, shiver, or cause his eyes to widen in shock and fear. Every time Dark went to stroke his hair, I'd cringe and hold my breath, as if waiting for him to murder Jack, me, and then take out Felix once the body came. I'd rather die than witness Jack go first, I wouldn't be able to take his death well at all. 

"Ida will be here in about an hour," I announced and caught Dark's attention, who sighed deeply.

"So sorry, pet, we'll have to separate soon," He purred to Jack, then kissing his head. I huffed angrily, but refrained from lashing out, not wanting to end up getting Jack hurt. 

"F-Fuck off," He stuttered, Dark laughing in return and kissing his cheek again. I clenched my fist, apart of me only being able to see Felix kissing Jack. It angered me more than anything to see and I wanted to rip Jack away from him, but I know I can't. 

"But, sweetheart, don't you like me?" He asked, pretending to sound hurt. 

"Just stop it, Dark," I snapped, my anger getting the best of me. He looked to me and grinned.

"Finally you say something, I was beginning to think you didn't have any balls in your pants," He laughed at his own joke and smirked, running his hand up the left side of Jack's hair, petting him. 

"Just quit harassing him, leave him alone. We're getting you a body that'll be here soon and you can go off afterwards and do whatever the fuck you want," I reminded him, he continued smiling creepily. 

"I don't think you realize it doesn't make a difference to me. Sure, that means I'll be sharing a body with a soul who's willing, but I don't care about that. I could leave right now in your friend's body and it'd be all the same to me."

"Please don't do that," Jack muttered softly, capturing Dark's full attention. 

"What? Don't want to lose Mr. Pewdiepie forever?" He laughed and rested the side of his head against Jack's. 

"No, I don't," He admitted and frowned deeper than I've ever seen - I'm so used to seeing his lovely smile across his face. A knock on the door tore me away from the two talking and I went to answer it, seeing Ida at the door. 

"Oh, thank fuck. I thought you weren't going to be here for a while," I glanced at the time, seeing there was almost a half an hour left until she was supposed to arrive.

"The body was less damaged than I thought, it needed minimal repairs. Come help me bring him inside, Jack-" She peered in and saw Dark holding Jack and looked at me, letting out a deep sigh. "Dark, let go of Jack so he can help."

"Only because you ask so kindly," He smiled and surprisingly told the truth, letting Jack get off of him and quickly back away. Dark remained seated on the floor.

"Jack, please lay some blankets down on the floor. Dark, don't disrupt or scare him, you should rest yourself so it's easier to transfer into the new body," Ida instructed and he smiled innocently, Jack leaving to grab a blanket. I followed Ida out the door and she opened the trunk of her car, revealing a body that I couldn't see because it was covered in a blanket. "Lift him up and carry him inside. I must warn you though, Eli is more than ready to come back to life again. I'd rather do this far away from you both, but I'll need your help."

"It'll be okay, Ida. We can handle it," I reassured her and picked up the body, which was odd considering Eli was about a head taller than I was, but thankfully I'm able to lift more than my own body weight. After seeing his body again, I was reminded of the jealousy I felt when I realized he was everything appearance-wise I wish I was. 

"I certainly hope so - Jack was filled with absolute dread when I arrived, poor boy is terrified," She sighed and walked alongside me, opening the door for me and allowing me to step inside. Jack had spread the blanket out and appeared to have been arguing with Dark when we came inside, but I payed no attention to it and set the body down, not removing the blanket that was wrapped around him.

"Now, I have to remove the blanket, so if either of you are squeamish, turn away," She said and Jack turned around immediately, while I remained facing the body on the ground. She kneeled next to it and moved the blanket, revealing stitches in all his wounds, his skin a grey-blue, dirt under his fingernails, obvious frost-bite causing reds to appear all over his skin, and dark brown, purple, and blue bruises being scattered along his skin. "Oh, I forgot my supplies in my car. Jack, would you be a dear and grab it for me?"

"Sure," Jack said quickly and avoided looking at Eli as he walked out the door, Chica coming up to us and sniffing Eli's body. She smelt his hand and nibbled at one of his fingers.

"Chica, no! That is not a treat!" I snapped and she whined a little, but went to lie down. I felt bad for yelling at her, but she can't eat Eli's body. 

"I like your dog," Dark giggled from his spot. "Oh! While Jack's gone, so we don't upset him, I have a question for you, Ida."

"Yes?" She asked, sounding surprised. 

"Those boys don't believe me when I say Mark and I's souls are interlinked, therefore Jack is also my soulmate and my original soulmate is also Mark's," He explained and she started nodding.

"Yes, Dark, you are right, unfortunately," She sighed. I ignored it and knew I'd still claim he wasn't, but decided to change the subject.

"So how do we even do this?" I asked.

"Well, Jack must bring in my bag and then we can get started. I will return the body's vitals, making it as though it is brain dead, then I must guide the souls with precise degrees to get them perfectly aligned to the body and fill the room with soul-empowering scents to strengthen them and allow them to pass back into the body," She explained. "It probably seems like 'magic' or 'witchcraft,' but I assure you it's not."

"Weird," I sighed and Jack came back in with several bags with labels on them. Dark clasped his hands together and grinned.

"Let's get this party started," He mused. 

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