Date Night

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(I litterally wrote this whole chapter and than it deleted itself. So I'm severely pissed 😂)

(Lana Pov)

"It's gonna be great" Miley said as we looked into my body lenght mirror "You're gonna me great" she said, her head propped onto my shoulder as she stood behind me and squeezed my arms comfortingly.

"But what if she-" Miley cut me off quickly "It's 7:53, she'll be here any minute" she said, her grun growing bigger, just like my nerves "Don't worry, Boo, she'll love you, just be you" she said in a light tone and I smiled at her sweetness that was cut off as we heard three knocks on the front door. Than Miley turned into agressive and excited Miley again "She's here!" She yelled, basically yanking me out of my room and down the many many step of stairs.

We where met with the sight of Madison, Luke, and Misty, standing awkwardly by the door. Misty glaring holes into Madison's head, Madison giving her a threating look that read 'I fucking dare you' and than there was poor Luke, who looked between the two girls with confusion evident on his peach skin.

"Hey Madison" I greeted the girl who had yet to notice me standing next to them in the doorway, she was to busy glaring through Misty.

All head snapped to me and they all had readible expressions on their faces. Luke looked reliefed, Madison looked at me with lust in her eyes as she looked me up and down, and Mistyr looked at me with adoration. "You look amazing" Madison said with grin and I blushed with a smile "You do too" I complemented and I swear I faintly saw Misty roll her perfect eyes as Madison grabbed my hand to pull me outside.

"Bye guys!" I said and I heard Luke mutter a "Bye" Misty say "Be back soon!" and than Miley tell "Have fun, Boo! Use protection!" and I laughed and rolled at my eyes, considering she knew neither of us had dicks.

(Misty Pov)

"And use protection!" I heard her yell and my whole body cringed at the thought of Lana and Madison having sex. Only I could touch Lana like that!

And I know what your thinking "Mistys such a bitch! She left her for her brother! She shouldn't be aloud to touch her!" and pretty much all of that is true, I know I'm a bitch. But when I chose her brother over her, I didn't know my feelings where that strong for her.

And now I'm with her brother, and shed with fuckgirl Madison. "Babe, are you okay?" I heard a deep voice say and I propped my head up to look at Luke who had worry written into his expresion. "Yeah, Misty, what's bothering you?" Miley said in fake intrest, smiling evily "Nothing, I'm just thinking" I muttered, holding back a glare at the blonde who was mocking me.

"Good" he said with an oblivious shiny smile on his face as he pulled me into his body before kissing me, I reciprocated of course "Eww okay stop" I heard a voice say and I pulled away from my boyfriend to see Miley staring at us with discussed.

"Umm Miley.. You can leave now. Lana won't be back for a few more hours" My heart instantly leaped when I heard the blonde girls name "Yeah, I know, but I like it here" she said, her big white smile returning on her pretty face.

"Great" I heard Luke mutter and roll his eyes at Miley who took affence "Oh shut up, you let Snow White over here sleep in your house everyday. Like damn girl, when was the last time you went home?" she said and I tensed at her question of my home life "That's because she's my girlfriend" Luke said, squeezing me into his side "Yeah and I'm practically Lanas sister" Miley continued "You know that basically makes us siblings. Why you so rude to your sister Luke?" Miley questioned and I could tell Luke was lost "Miley! You're not my sister! Get out!" he yelled at her and she rode her hands in surrender "Damn, fine, be that way" she said as she got up and walked towards the door "I'll be back soon. Don't miss me to much Brother" she said with a wink before running out of the door so Luke couldn't yell at her.

"That girls so annoying" Luke said with anger and I looked over the the blonde boy who was staring at the door where Miley left.  "Luke, calm down, let's watch something" I said and he nodded.


(Lana Pov)

I watched as Madison's silver car drove away from my house.

The date with the dark haired girl wasn't bad, at all. She was sweet and flirtatious, she was a small bit to cocky, but all and all she was beautiful and interested in me. I was interested in her too.

I started my way into my house, unlocking the door and walking inside the huge house. I slowly closed the door and was met with a dark house and silence.

I threw my keys into the counter as I walked into the kitchen and turned in the light. The empty kitchen lit up and I walked to the fridge, pulling out a half drunken 2 leader of Coca Cola. I uncapped the bottle as I set it down on the counter and flopped onto one of the island chairs.

As I brought the bottle up to my mouth I heard stepping coming down the stairs and I looked up towards the entry way to see Misty walking through it "Oh.. Hey Lana" she said as she entered "I didn't know you where back" she said "Yeah, I just got back a few minutes ago" I told her and she nodded and made her way to the fridge "How'd it go?" she asked hesitantly and I put the soda down.

"You don't want to know that" I said and she leaned next to me at the island table "And how do you know that?" she asked and I smiled lightly as I looked into her beautiful brown eyes "Because you like me, and you don't want me to be with anyone else."

She looked into my eyes intensly and I stared right back "I never said that" she said softly shaking her head and my soft smile kept on my face "You didn't have to, I knew how you felt when you got jealous of Madison, got mad at Miley, and hugged me like I was the only thing that mattered" I said quietly and slid off my chair to stand infront of her.

She didn't say anything, just stared into my eyes "You want me more than you'll ever admit" I said as I inched closer to her face "Lana" she said barley above a whisper and I smiled at her before softly brushing my lips against hers.

It took a second bit soon she grabbed the side of my face, pulling me in closer as she reciprocated the kiss. It started out slow but only got more intense, she slowly slid her tongue on my bottom lip and I let her velvet tongue enter my mouth. She tasted like pink whine and strawberries, and I don't think I've ever tasted anything better.

(Misty Pov)

Its official, I'm a horrible person. Here I am making out with my boyfriend's sister why he's upstairs waiting for me.

I'm cheating on my boyfriend, it shouldn't feel so right. It shouldn't feel like fireworks exploding in my mouth, but she taste like Coca Cola and Spearmint and I can't pull away. Its like a drug, a really really good drug.

She pulled away when breathing had become a problem "And I want you too" her raspy voice said before she grabbed her soda and walked out of the room.

I stood there frozen, going over what just happened in my head over and over.

I finally got my limbs to move when I remembered Luke waiting for me upstairs. I walked up the stairs and into his room to see him laying on his bed watching Netflix.

"Hey babe, come here" he said sweetly and I walked over, laying in his bed as he pulled me into his arms and into a kiss, I reciprocated but something felt wrong.

He wasn't her.

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