Luke and Lana

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(Lana Pov)

I wake up to the sun trying to blind the shit out of me, it seems to do that a lot but never succeeds.


I put one of my arms over my eyes to block the sun and I use my other hand to search for my phone, which is hard to do when you can't see anything.

My arm traveled around the bed, patting down everywhere I touched until I found the phone, which was under my covers near my feet, I always fall asleep watching a show and my phone gets lost in the process of the sleep.

I pulled the phone up and uncovered my eyes so I could look at the time 11: 34 AM. Thats like a record, most of the time I sleep until 2 PM but not today, today my body decided it was time to get my lazy ass up early.

I groaned dramatically and swung my legs off the bed so I could stand up on the freezing cold wood floor. I walked over to my bathroom so I could examine how bad my face looked at the moment.

I looked into the mirror and noticed I didn't look horrible. Yay. I mean I don't look the best, but it could be worse.

My messy blonde hair went to my shoulder blades, my teeth looked a small bit yellow from forgetting to brush them the night before, my lips where chapped like a dessert, and my forest green eyes where half asleep.

Again I didn't look half bad, I brushed my teeth and hair, put on some chapstick and splashed some cold water on my face and than some light makeup.

I decided against changing clothes, my black crop top and sweat pants are just to comfy to change out of.

Walking out of my room and down the stairs I look around, there is nobody home by the looks of it, which is good because I love the silence, it's so peaceful.

I grabbed a bowl and made some cereal as I sat down on one of the stools at the island table. Suddenly my perfect silence was ruined by the sound of the door swinging open and Luke running in "Guess who has a date with a banging hot girl!" he yelled out as he approached me with pride.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the dumb blonde, much like me, Luke also had blonde hair and green eyes, we were also around the same height. You could defiantly tell we are siblings.

"What's the victims name?" I asked as I put down my spoon and walked over to the boy "Hey she's not a victim!" he defended himself "Oh yeah? Then what's her first and last name?"

He hesitated before he slowly opened his mouth "Okay! I don't know her name! But that doesn't mean I can't learn it." he said, still trying to prove he wasn't using the poor girl.

"So if she doesn't put out on the first date your not gonna call her a prude bitch and than not call her at all?" I asked the boy who looked at me with a mix of confusion and nervousness "When did I ever do that?!" he asked innocently, but we all know he does that with every girl who won't fuck him on the first date.

"Suzy, Moana, Chrissy, Piper. Should I keep going?" I told him matter of a factly. "You freak! Who keeps track of there brothers dates?!" he yelled.

I rolled my eyes and started walking away "I'm not keeping tracks, I just know there names. Its called having a good memory you idiot".

"Whatever, just know she's coming over today" he mumbled as he jogged up the stairs.


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