1 - First Day!

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Arg that stupid alarm, I have to do something about that. It was 7 am. I sat there in my bed and pondered about the day set before me. First day of senior year. Social pressure, boys, and girls were at school. How great..

I hate facing those stupid people every day. I am so over it. Can't they just take a hint? I don't want to hang with Courtney anymore! Her and her posse just cause drama! I wish I had the guts to stand up for myself. I glanced at the clock again, 7.05 already!?

I walked over to my stereo and put the radio on. A random song played, I honestly have no idea who is singing. I went to my closet and flicked through so many clothes. Jeans, shirts, shorts, skirts you name it. I have it in here. I have to seriously stop my shopping habit. I picked out a pair of white and blue tie dyed shorts and a purple flower top. That should do, I think. I quickly straightened my golden hair. It took about half an hour because my hair is so thick! What am I a lion?

I checked the time again, 7.40. Wow that took only half an hour. I'm getting faster at this! I chucked on some random flat shoes and bolted out my bedroom door. Surprisingly, I ran into my brother. He had chestnut brown hair and sky blue eyes. He was also wearing nothing but a towel, that's so like him.

"Morning Sis" he said with the cheeky grin.

"Morning Jake" I paused "What's got you so happy?"

He couldn't seem to wipe his smirk off his face "Someone"

I chuckled "Oh ok so which one of your girlfriends is it? Leanne? Josie? Lucy? Jackie? Just to name a few."

He ignored my comment and finally answered my question. "In fact it's someone new."

"Let me guess! Is it Wendy?"

Jake's cheeks lit up "What can i say? Who can resist all this?" 

I shook my head and bolted down the stairs.

"Why in such a rush Kylie?"

"I got school unlike someone" I replied with a pointing finger.

"Haha yeah and don't you forget it!" he yelled back.

I giggled to myself, he hasn't changed at all since I left. I went to Alaska to visit my grandparents over summer break. Jake was too stubborn to go as always. So I was there all alone being me with no disruptions. Just the way I like it. It was fun, but I'm glad I only stayed there for two weeks. That placed reeked of death. Just thinking about it made me feel nauseous.

As I wiped off that thought I grabbed my lunch off the counter and stuffed it into my bag. I grabbed some biscuits, I munched on one. Mmm sugar. Why does it taste so good? I started making coffee when Mum came downstairs with a small package in her hands.

"Morning Mum" I said while giving her a peck on her cheek.

"Morning sweetie"

I grabbed two mugs and poured coffee into them. I then passed one to mum and starting sipping my own.

"Sweetie I have to give you something"

I jumped excitedly inside, I wonder what she's giving me.

"What is it Mum?"

I heard my dad start to jog down the stairs.

"Well sweetie your father and I have been talking and we know that your birthday isn't for a while but we thought that you needed this before that day comes"

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