20 - Growth & Confusion

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I was texting Kylie when someone shoved me into the lockers making me drop my phone. It cracked making small electric sparks fly onto the floor. I growled and marched over to the mysterious stranger who pushed me. "What's your problem dude?"

He turned back around and pushed me back into the lockers. "You know what you prick."

He stomped away again pounding the floor drawing eyes towards him. I sped towards him again and ripped his black beanie off him. "What the hell?"

He grunted and punched my jaw. I whimpered away falling to the ground. He picked me up and held me high against the lockers. "You selfish selfish barstard." He whispered over and over again.

I couldn't breathe. His human strength was stronger for once. I really gotta start training again. I pulled his fingers slowly off my neck. One by one. I cracked his forefinger and he immediately let go. I could finally breathe and aimed my fist towards his jaw line. He fell to the ground and finally revealed himself to me.

That red head, Sav. Kylie's jealous boy toy was punching me.

I kicked at his sides, returning the gifts he so kindly gave me. He silently weeped as I broke one of his ribs. People scattered around us like ants, ignoring everything. When people finally disappeared, Sav finally spoke. "Stop it you Dick!"

I paused "you started it Sav!" He got on his two feet again and punched me like a real man. I kept on dodging them, he eventually hit the locker and shrieked in pain. When he was weaker I grabbed his neck and pushed him high off the ground. "What is your problem ?" I screamed in his face.

He hid in his bangs, Sav's face was getting redder by the second. He shed a tear and spoke his words "Kylie! You took her from me! She was meant to be with me!" I released my grip on him and he collapsed on the ground. I kneeled over him and punched his face left and right. Blood poured from his nose and his eyes began to water. Sav took charge and flipped himself on top of me. He kneed my groin and I winced pain. He got weaker, jumped up and used his other strengths. He kicked my chest over and over. I heard a couple ribs crack. When I was sick of his paroxysm, I stood up and gave him a piece of my mind.

"You son of a bitch, you have some serious issues. If you liked Kylie what happened to you caring about her being happy with someone. Like I don't know, me!"

He was furious and hot breaths flew out of his nose. He tried to tackle me over but I dominated. He fell on his knees once more and I pulled his ear to my mouth. "Stay the hell away from my girlfriend!"

I let go of that stupid boy and grabbed my smashed phone. I smiled walking away. I dialed Kylie's number. She answered after the second ring.

"Hello?" Her sweet voice tingled my ears.

"Hey hun. Where are you?"

"I'm about to leave school."

I pouted "Why? What for?"

"Sprinklers went off in some classes. The announcements said that we have to evacuate the school and go home."

"Seriously?" I laughed.

"Yeah the stupid girls were whining. Anyways where are you?"

I whooshed to her. "Right here." She turned around and her eyes lit up. She hugged me and her rosy smell filled up my nose. I smiled, life is so very kind to me. I have all I could ever wanted right now.


I sat on my bed rocking back and forth.

What is happening to me?!

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