27 - Kylie's Addiction..

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"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Kylie shouted, dropping half of our popcorn stash all over the floor.

"KY!" I yelled "Relax would ya? It's just a show."

Kylie's scowl glanced up at our analog clock "It's only 9 o'clock in the morning!"

She whimpered watching the last episode, of the first season of Vampire Diaries. Damon just kissed Elena, and of course Kylie wasn't very happy.

"This just can't happen! This is like betrayal of the TV?!"

I laughed "How so?"

Kylie whimpered once more "This is like telling a kid that the Easter Bunny isn't real."

I held my stomach trying to contain my hysteric laughter. "Ky you take some things way too seriously!"

I felt something huge hit my head, it came down a few times hitting me repeatedly. Kylie was smacking me with a pillow.

"Stop laughing! You can't possibly laugh about this!?" She whined.

My laughter grew louder, filling Kylie's ears and making her even angrier.

"Stop it!" She said starting to laugh at herself. My pillow met with her's and a duel soon began.

"Oh contrare" I smirked.

"Oh it's on"

Our pillows fought with force, the force becoming so strong that it teared the side of the pillows; making feathers sprout and fly off in the air. We laughed and happily continued our duel. We went from standing up to wrestling with pillows. Our fight lasted for a while, to the point that both of our pillows lost their fluff and were just thin pieces of material.

Kylie threw it on the floor, smiling to herself. "That's that sorted then"

I nervously laughed myself, glancing at all of the feathers in the room. Her gaze followed mine and her smile grew bigger. "It's not that bad" She said trying to reassure me. "We can clean it up."

That's when an idea bloomed. I stood up and rubbed my hands together. Kylie watched me closely, eyeing my every move. I levitated my hands, spreading them out whiling focusing on the rest of the room. My eyes tingled, a simple sign of confirmation that my gift is working.

As I focused on the feather's around the room, the started to rise, ever so gently, swaying in mid-air. It's good to know that all of the old books I have been reading, have some truth to them.

I have been studying them for weeks now, due to Dad's preferences of course. He's been working with me a lot, properly teaching me the things I taught myself. I did okay actually, there was only a few important things that I missed. Which is definitely a good sign. I haven't started practising with him properly yet, only because Dad thinks that I should know all of the facts before I properly start practising. Remember how he introduced me to magic? He tested me by cutting his throat. That scared the hell out of me. That test was easily complete, my acting skills have been overused lately. I fear that if I try to show him what I know, he will take it away.

I haven't been bothered to practise much in my spare time anymore, I've lost some interest. Dad's been talking so much that my own research is useless. I'm just going to wait for a while and learn it the traditional way.

I flexed my fingers, letting the tingles engulf my touch, the feeling is indescribable. I grinned to myself for cleaning it up so quickly. I looked at Kylie and her mouth was an 'o' shape. The feathers were neatly piled on the table, not a feather anywhere else.

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