21 - Secrets Revealed

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Dear dairy,

Something's wrong with me. I can't figure out what it is. I keep on burning up, feverish. I'm dreaming of fires. I run away trying to get away from it, but I can never escape it.

It's really scaring me.

I feel like it's some sort of vision, or a memory of the past. It is, and somehow isn't. It's kept me up for weeks. I've been trying to stop it, with all my might, it won't go away. Someone's also trying to contact me. I don't know why they are trying to talk to me, all I know is a name.

Her name is Snow. And she's the queen of fairies.


While Kylie was in her shower I felt like snooping. I tip toed into her room, man for once her room is actually messy for once. Her bed sheets are sprawled all over the floor, half of her closet on her desk, make up smudging onto her table.

I'm impressed, I'm going to congratulate her after. Kylie's always hassling me about a messy room when she for one is just as bad.

Her closet door was open, revealing some untold secrets. There was Shoes sprawled messily hiding something red. I pushed them aside and I saw something I didn't expect. Blood bags.

I picked a couple up and speedily ran to my room. I shut the door loudly behind me. I chucked one under my bed and held the other in my hands.

Why does she have blood in her bedroom?

I opened the cap and the smell was bewitching. My eyes burned, and my face tingled. I felt my teeth twitch and change. The sensation, the feeling was indescribable. My mouth somehow shifted, changing into something larger. I had a nozzle now, and my teeth were long and sharp. I growled softly and brought the cap up to my lips. The liquid poured into my mouth ever so swiftly when there was a knock at the door. Startled I got it all over my face. My throat grumbled, and the knocking stopped.

"Jake?" Kylie called. "You in there?"

"Just a minute!"

I shuffled through my chest of draws, trying to find a secure place to put the open bag. When I successfully hid it, I wiped my mouth which was now normal and opened the door.

"What's up sis?"

After a long, tense silence she finally spoke "what were you doing before I got in here?"

"I was um, doing things"

Her smile cracked "Oh! Ok. That's all I needed to know."

I grinned, she is so dirty minded.

"So yeah can I get back to-"

"Yeah sure, I'll let you go off and do what you were doing..."

She turned around and skipped into her room; laughing, I turned around walking back into the situation I was in the middle of.


I slammed the door behind me.

Man, that's embarrassing. I swear he needs a lock on his door.

Shuddering at the thoughts occurring in my mind something itched my nose. A smell. Peculiar but thriving, sweet but sour. I had to think for a while but I figured it out.

Jake was in here.

He was in here snooping through my things. I sifted through my draws tracking his scent when I realized what he found.

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