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Zoe was in the back with Nanook as her mum drove them the rest of the way to Grandpa's. All Zoe could see were fields, dirt as it blew up around the tires and trees.

"Why does Grandpa live in the middle of nowhere?" Zoe asked and Lucy rolled her eyes.

"It's not the middle of nowhere,"

"Well it's certainly not near anything,"

The car slowed down and Zoe looked out the windshield to see a large 2 story wooden home.

"Oh my god, is this a ski lodge?" Lucy laughed and Sam looked back at her, his stunned expression mirroring his sisters. When the car stopped, their expressions quickly changed. Everyone sat and stared as Mike pulled up beside them. The place was covered in a clutter of all kinds of mess. Wooden tables, fences where they didn't need to be, beach umbrellas, over grown plants, statues, wooden carvings, rusted tools and cans, some clothes on the line, a small caravan and more. The Emerson siblings stared with their mouths hung wide open with shocked expressions.

"Is Grandpa a hoarder?" Zoe asked to no one in particular.

"No" her mother replied.

"Why does he have all this stuff?"

"I don't know"

"Can we turn back?"

"No!" Zoe grumbled to herself as they all got out the car.

"Come on Nanook," Sam called and the dog barked. Everything was silent and all Zoe could here was a variety of birds chirping. She heard a loud creak and turned to a wooden shack as the door swung open. She waited for someone to exit but nothing happen. She narrowed her eyes at the door skeptically but looked away only to see her family marching towards the house. She quickly caught sight of someone on the front porch, face down and un-moving. Her eyes widened and she thought her eyebrows had lifted all the way into her hair line. Her mother walked ahead and nealt down to their Grandpa's side. His mouth was agape and Zoe slowly raised her hand over her mouth in shock.

"Dad? Dad?" The siblings hung over their Grandpa's body and stared down at him.

"Looks like he's dead," Michael pointed out and Zoe hit his arm.

"Is he dead?" Zoe asked and Michael hit her arm causing them to glare at each other.

"No, he's just a deep sleeper," Zoe looked at Sam as if their mother had gone mad.

"If he's dead, could we go back to Phoenix?" Sam asked and Lucy gave him a look. Suddenly, the old man shot up causing Zoe to leap back and latch onto Sam's arm.

"Playing dead," Grandpa corrected," and from what I heard, doing a damn good job of it too," Zoe sighed in relief.

"Playing dead," Grandpa corrected," and from what I heard, doing a damn good job of it too," Zoe sighed in relief

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"Daaaaaaad!" Lucy shook her head at him as he laughed. They hugged each other and continued to laugh but the siblings weren't impressed at all.

"I'm going back home," Zoe turned around and headed for the car but Michael swiftly lifted her over his shoulder and walked into the house.

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