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"Hey! Smells good, when do we eat?" Grandpa asked as he entered the kitchen. Zoe was helping her mother cook for tonight's dinner. Lucy was relieved when Zoe offered because she did need a little help and didn't plan on asking Sam or Mike anytime soon.

"I told Max, 8 o'clock," Lucy informed.

"Max? Are we gonna have company again?" Grandpa whined and Zoe giggled from the kitchen table as she began setting it up, having everything ready for when the guests arrive.

"Again? Dad, you haven't had company in this house since mum died 8 years ago,"

"I beg to differ," Zoe mumbled to herself.

"Right. Now we're gonna have company, again," Zoe rolled her eyes at the old man. Suddenly Mike appeared from upstairs and the three looked at him. He was dressed in all black and Zoe thought that the collar of his leather jacket was unnecessarily pulled up as it brushed his ear lobes.

"Michael, Max is coming to dinner. I'd like you to meet him," Zoe felt her heart break a little. Her mother sounded so happy about Max and yet he could possibly be the head vampire, leading to his possible death and a possibly devastated mum.

"I can't, I have plans," Mike said lowly before heading for the door.

"How ominous," Zoe muttered to herself.

"Michael..." Lucy sighed, "You know, things are gonna change around this house when school starts." Mike opened the front door only to be met with a man. Max. He was tall, had brown hair, wore fancy attire and carried a bouquet of flowers.

"Hey," Mike just stared at him, "How you doing? You must be Michael, right?"

"And you must be Max," Mike nodded, obviously unimpressed.

"Right. How are you?" the man stuck his hand out, but Michael continued to stare. He looked him up and down. Max lowered his hand and took a breathe, feeling awkward. Zoe made her way to the kitchen doorway, wondering who Mike was talking to, when she spotted him standing in front of who she assumed to be Max.

"Well, you're the man of the house...," Zoe scoffed and Max's eyes flickered to her for a moment, "And I'm not coming in until you invite me," Mike smirked.

"You're invited," he mocked.

"Thanks very much," as Max walked in, Mike walked out. As the door closed, Zoe looked at the other side of the room seeing Grandpa. She frowned at the look on his face. He stared at Max with a great deal of suspicion which didn't help Zoe's opinion on the man. She believed he was the Head Vampire. Considering all the signs pointed towards him. Max looked around the room before his eyes landed on Zoe.

"Hi, you must be Zoe. You're just as beautiful as your mother," Max smiled and made his way towards her. Zoe's ears perked up at the sound of Grandpa disappearing into his room but she ignored it. She strained a smile, trying to be polite and inconspicuous.

"Thank you. I can see why mum likes you so much," Zoe laughed and Max joined her. She turned so her body was facing the kitchen and she motioned her hand to the room.

"Come, mum's in the kitchen," Max smiled again and walked ahead. Zoe went to follow when she heard Sam whispering her name. She walked into the front room and looked towards the stairs, seeing him at the top.

"Is he here?" he continued to whisper.

"Yeah," Zoe instinctively whispered back. Sam gestured for her to come up. Zoe went to move when knocking came from the front door. She sighed and smiled, instantly knowing who it was. With a skip in her step she opened the door. Edgar and Alan stood there awkwardly, looking like the were at work more than a dinner.

"You know this is a dinner right?" Zoe asked, amused by how informal they were.

"Well yeah, but what's wrong with what we're wearing," Edgar asked and Zoe laughed.

"Nothing," Edgar took a moment to look at what she was wearing. Nothing too fancy. Just a denim jacket, plain white crop top and black high waisted shorts. He thought she looked great.

"Come in, guys!" Sam shouted as he made his way downstairs. Zoe stepped back from the door, allowing them to enter. The group then continued to make their way into the kitchen but stopped at the scene in front of them. Sam's jaw dropped, Zoe's face scrunched up in disgust and the Frog brothers looked away. Max and Lucy were a little too intimate for their liking.

"Uh, mum," Sam interrupted. Lucy pulled away from the kiss and looked at her kids like a deer in the headlights.

"These are our dinner guests, Edgar and Alan Frog." Zoe informed.

"Oh, I didn't know you were having guests," 

"Well mum, if we're in your way we can eat some peanut butter in the kitchen," Sam rambled.

"Very funny. No, there's plenty for everybody," Lucy turned to her daughter, "I wondered why you were cooking extra."

"Guilty," Zoe laughed.

"Max, this is my son, Sam, and Edgar and Alan Frog?" both brothers hummed.

"Max, this is my son, Sam, and Edgar and Alan Frog?" both brothers hummed

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There was a moment of silence before Zoe clapped her hands together.

"Well how about some food? I know I'm starving," she exclaimed and before anyone could question her, she was already in the dinning room taking her seat.



I know this is shit and short. I'm sorry.

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