Sayonara Bloodsucker

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"Do you guys hear music?" Edgar, Alan and Zoe paused their steps for a moment, when they exited the room, the trio instantly noticed how all of the lights were out in the rest of the house. There was indeed music playing, however it was quickly covered up by the sound of screaming followed by an explosion. They continued to stand there for another moment but the sounds seemed to have stopped, "Weird". Heading for the stairs, they paused once more. Hurried footsteps quickly made their way towards them from the bottom of said stairs. Silently, the three of them quickly ducked into the shadows. Alan on one side and Edgar who held Zoe protectively behind him on the other. As the culprit reached the top, the Frogs jumped out from their spots leaving Zoe behind as they prepared to attack the unknown figure with their weapons whilst giving a loud battle cry

"HEY! Hey, SHHH!"


"SHHH!" Zoe clung to her brother, relieved that he was still alive. He tightly held her back, feeling equally as happy knowing she was okay.

"Are you okay? Where's Mike?" She whispered as they both pulled back.

"I nailed on of them downstairs with the bow and arrow."

"Alright Sambo," Edgar quietly congratulated the boy as they all moved into an empty rom, "We totally trashed the one that looked like Twisted Sister."

"Yeah we totally annihilated his night stalking ass!" Alan agreed. The two brothers were obviously very excited to actually be killing vampires.

"Actually I  did," Zoe rolled her eyes.

"It was a team effort," Alan glared. Sam took that moment to properly looked at his sister and the Frogs, his mind taking a moment to process what he was seeing.

"Are you covered in blood?"

"Yes! Now where's Mike?" Zoe hissed quietly.

"He's just-" Sam turned around to point at his older brother, however he was surprised to see he was no longer behind there, "-uh oh."

"Death to all vampires!" the other boys didn't seem too fazed in that moment as Alan continued to ramble.

"Maximum body count,"  Edgar piled on, "We're awesome monster bashers."

"Yeah!" Sam agreed.

"The meanest!"

"The baddest!"

"Why are we still whispering?" the boys then proceeded to put their hands together and do shakas with the other.

"I'm not doing that," suddenly, Mikey's bed exploded as a small body burst out from under it with a scream. Feathers, fluff and other sorts of be materials were shot through the air and the teens screamed in surprise, each of them jumping away. The attacker ran away from the bed and to the other side of the bedroom, stopping at the corner where the wall and door meet. The group looked over, realising that it was Laddie. However, unlike every other time the teens had seem him, his face had morphed from his usual young and innocent face to that of a blood thirsty rabid vampire.

"Holy shit! It's the attack of Eddie Munster!" Alan cried.

"Get him!" Edgar ordered as him and the boys got up.

"NO!" Zoe screamed ready to jump in front of the boys when the wardrobe doors flung open.

"Stop!" Star made herself present as she stood  in the way of the boys, "You little monsters! Just stay away from him! He's just a little boy!"

"Guys!" everyone turned their attention to Zoe, "What if that was Mike?!"

Snarled and tried to jump around Star in order to attack the teens. Star looked at the group, tears in her eyes as she noticed Mike was not present.

Murder Capital // Edgar FrogWhere stories live. Discover now