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It was the early hours of the morning and neither of the twins could sleep, although Sam made more of an effort as he wore his eye mask. Zoe however, was staring into the dark abyss of the room thinking. She thought over what had happened over the past week and a bit and how quickly everything had changed. At least her parents divorce had managed to ease it's way into her life where as moving to Santa Carla and living with her grandpa was a lot more abrupt. Not to mention the even more shocking discovery of vampires and the fact that her older brother had become one. All the negatives seemed to cloud and circle her mind. Moving, vampires, Michael, Frogs, her mother dating. Despite that, she still tried to think of the positives. She had most of her family, she was reconnecting with her grandfather, there was an amusement park, her mum was dating again, the Frogs. She thought it was strange how some of them faded into both categories.

There was a sudden creak causing Sam to spring to life. He slipped off his mask and looked around the room, checking for anything trying to suck their blood. Zoe didn't think much of it as she tried to convince herself that the both of them were just paranoid. Sam's scream told her otherwise. She jumped up and looked around the room in alarm.

"WHAT?! What is it?!" Sam sighed and shook his head.

"Nothing, I-uh...the owl scared me," Sam ran his hand through his hair as Zoe looked at grandpa's new addition to their bedroom. She groaned before flopping back against her pillow.

"I wish grandpa would stop giving us these stupid things," Sam grabbed the stuffed bird and put it into the closet where a pile of dead animals began to form. The window creaked open and Zoe quickly snapped her head in it's direction only to find Michael standing there. After managing to squeeze the owl into the closet, Sam closed the door and screamed at Michael's sudden appearance.

"It's okay..." Michael was huffing and puffing, sweaty and dirty, "...I know who I am now, Sammy, Zo."

The eldest of the three looked between the twins, weary and scared of both himself and how they would react.

"Don't kill us, Mike," Sam stated, "I'm basically a good kid, so please don't kill me."

"Hey! What about me?!" Zoe piped up.

Mike sighed and tried to speak.

"We can help you," Zoe started as she slowly got out of bed, "Just tell us who the head vampire is."

"We thought it was Max, but we were wrong. Just work with us and we will help you," Sam slowly walked up to Mike.

"You'll be okay, Mikey," Zoe said, following her twin's footsteps. A moment of silence passed before a voice came from outside.

"Michael?! Michael?!"

"Who's that?" Zoe asked as the three of them looked out the second story window to see the girl Mike had been stalking at the boardwalk.

"Is she one of them?" Sam asked.

"I have to talk to you, can I come up?!"


"Trouble in paradise I see," Zoe muttered to herself.

"You shut the window and look your door," Mike whispered to the pair before trying to walk away. Sadly it was too late. The wind howled as the young girl flew through the window, appearing beside the twins. 

"She's one of them!" Sam shouted before dragging himself and Zoe to the opposite side of the room. Sam dropped her hand and jumped onto his bed before hiding under the covers.

"And don't tell me this doesn't make her a bad person, Mike!" Sam's words were useless as no one listened to him. The two young adults had a silent stare off as Zoe stiffly watched from her position next to Sam's bed.

Murder Capital // Edgar FrogWhere stories live. Discover now