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"Lucy, this looks terrific," Max complimented from his spot. Lucy sat at the head of the table, Max on her right seated next to Edgar and Alan while Sam and Zoe sat on the opposite side, Sam facing Max and Zoe facing Edgar.

"I hope it tastes good," Lucy laughed. Zoe and Sam shared a look that read 'Ass kisser'.

"Mmmm, tastes wonderful," everyone was awkwardly digging into their food. The teens had been silent the whole time, either staring down Max or sharing looks among themselves.

"Boy! Somebody around here has bad breath," All four teens snapped their attention to Max who continued to eat his food. Sam and Alan even lent out of their seats a little, watching for the slightest reaction. Each of them believing that it was the scent of death coming from the man. The room was silent, all you could hear were Max's utensils and Nanook's panting as he sat next to Lucy. Quickly noticing the tension, Max looked up at the sibling's in front of him briefly before staring at Edgar who was almost in his face. Realising the mistake, Edgar awkwardly turned his head away and Zoe couldn't help but snicker which resulted to a kick in the shin from Edgar.

"Nanook, could you quit breathing on me," Lucy mused the whimpering dog.

"Nanook, get upstairs, go on," Sam told the dog who left on command. Edgar soon caught Zoe's gaze as he nodded his head at her and then twitched it to the left. Zoe got the hint and grabbed a small bowl filled with 'cheese'. She nudged Sam and handed it over to him.

"Hey Max, you want some Parmesan cheese on that?" He chirped.

"Uh, yeah, Sam, thank you," They all watched as he began scooping it onto his plate.

"Sam grated the cheese himself, my son," Lucy smiled and Sam shrugged.

"I made half of it, were's my credit," Zoe grumbled to herself although from the snicker across the table, she guessed Edgar heard too which earned him a kick in the shin as karma.

"Another budding Chef in the family," Max continued to make small talk. Their attentive eyes continued to stare as Max to a mouthful. As soon as he began coughing, they each began snapping looks between themselves as if they got their break. Edgar even smiled at Zoe.

"Are you alright?" Lucy began patting him on the back and Edgar and Zoe shared a smile, thinking they'd caught their guy

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"Are you alright?" Lucy began patting him on the back and Edgar and Zoe shared a smile, thinking they'd caught their guy.

"No, it's not cheese, it's garlic,"

"Yeah! I bet you hate garlic, don't ya!" Sam shouted.

"No I like garlic, it's just a little too much," Well he did cover his food. Each of them was disappointed with the outcome, feeling as though they had just lost their only chance, at least that's what Zoe felt.

"It's raw garlic," Max continued. Lucy grabbed the bowl and gave it a whiff.

"Garlic! How did that happen?"

"Guys, he likes garlic," Sam whispered.

"Yeah, no shit, shut up before he hears you," Zoe whispered back. Edgar then gave Sam a nod, setting of plan be.

"Here quick, drink some water," Sam then proceeded to lunged across the table and tip a glassful of holy water onto Max's lap.

"HEY! Wait a minute!" he exclaimed as Lucy cried out in shock. Zoe just lent her elbows on the table and hid her head in her hands, exasperated with the whole situation.

"There was so a better way to do that," She whispered to herself. Max and Lucy jumped up from their seats and began patting down the damp suit.

"Sam, what's the matter with you?!" Lucy scolded.

"Does it burn?!" Sam shouted.

"Burn? What are you, nuts? It's freezing,"

"Oh, look at your suit Max, and your pants-" Zoe jumped as Edgar abruptly jumped out of his seat, causing the chair to noisily slide against the wood. Alan then proceeded to blow out the lights as Edgar flipped the switch, leaving them all in the dark.

"Now what?!" Lucy exclaimed. 

"Must be a circuit breaker, mum," Sam ran around the dinning room, grabbing a hand held mirror.

"He's not glowing," he whispered to Edgar.

"I know,"

"Someone just hit the lights already," Zoe was getting fed up with this disaster. Zoe and Lucy jumped as Max suddenly shouted at his sudden reflection which put their by Sam.

"Sam, what has gotten into you tonight?" Lucy asked, taking the mirror away from him.

"I think I know what's going on around here," They all stiffly looked at Max.

"You do?" Edgar asked and Zoe put her head in her hands again.

"Oh no," she whispered.

"Yeah. I know what you're thinking Sam, but you're wrong," Sam quickly looked at Edgar before looking back at Max.

"I am?"

"Oh boy," Zoe sighed.

"Yeah. I'm not trying to replace your father," Everyone visibly relaxed, "Or steal your mother away from you. I would just like to be your friend, that's all". The boys looked at the ground in disappointment as Zoe let her head fall out of her hands and onto the table causing a loud thud and clash of Tupperware. 

"Zoe!" Her mother gasped but Zoe kept her head on the table, mumbling a small 'sorry'.

"Good night Lucy, Zoe," Max then proceeded to leave the house, giving a nod in the boys direction.

"Thanks a lot," Lucy whispered to her son before following her date.

"I'm sorry, mum." The room was silent for a moment before Sam spoke up.

"Major mistake," Edgar then went over to Zoe and patted her on the back before pulling her out of her seat and dragging her out of the room as the other two went ahead.

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