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Music blared and the crowd screamed bloody murder, including Zoe. The Emerson's were currently on the beach watching Tim Cappello perform while Lucy went to look for a job on the boardwalk. The stars were out, the moon glistened on the ocean and the lights of the stage continuously changed colour. Zoe was jumping, laughing and smiling as she was having the time of her life. She wasn't a huge fan but she loved this particular song and it was a free performance. Sam and Mike stood either side of her and although they were enjoying it, they didn't go too crazy. They all stood in front of a fire pit and the brother's had to make sure Zoe wouldn't accidentally trip into it. The boys looked at each other and smiled at both the performance and their sister.

Suddenly, something caught Michael's eye. His eyes never went back to the performance as he stared after a beautiful girl. His jaw was slack as he moved his head with her actions. The girl had a long brown perm and looked to be wearing gypsy-styled clothing. A young boy who looked to be five was dragging her through the crowd as she danced along. The twins looked up at their older brother, noticing his glazed look. Both of their heads snapped in the direction of the girl and saw her with her hands up and hips swaying. Sam and Zoe scrunched their faces, not seeing the appeal, and Sam turned Mike's face back towards the stage. Mere seconds later, Zoe saw Michael looking at the girl from the corner of his eye. Zoe snorted and nudged Sam.

"Maybe I should dance like that," Zoe stated and Sam frowned at her.


"Then I can get all the guys," she began to over-exaggeratedly sway her hips and glide her hands through the air. Sam rolled his eyes and pushed her, causing Zoe to stop and laugh along with him. The twins stopped what they were doing as they saw Mike march away from them and towards the amusement park. They quickly pushed through the crowd as they tried to keep up with his fast strides. As the music slowly faded away, they sound of the carnival grew. Bright lights messed with Zoe's sight and she blinked a few times to try and get them to focus.

"So where are we going?" Sam spoke up.

"No where," Mike mumbled.

"So what's our rush? You're chasing that girl, aren't you?" Mike ignored him but Sam kept pushing.

"Come on, come on, admit it. You're chasing her," The twins started to fall behind so Sam latched onto Mike's arm and pulled Zoe forward.

"I'm at the mercy of your sex glands bud,"

"Sam, don't you guys have something better to do than follow me around all night?" Mike stopped and turned to the two. They looked at him for a split second before being distracted by the rides and people.

"Yeah...Actually we do," Sam sighed in realisation and Mike gave each a pat on the shoulder before walking off.

"HAVE FUN BEING A STALKER!" Zoe shouted after him, but she got no response. Slowly, the twins walked further around the amusement park as they stared in a daze. Zoe saw so many rides that she couldn't figure out which to ride first.

"Hey Sammy, which ride?" She asked her brother and shook his arm to get his full attention. Sam shrugged out of her hold and looked around, thinking. He gave a small 'uh-huh' and walked towards a comic book store. Zoe groaned and whined.

"Why can't we just go on a ride first?"

"You can go," Zoe huffed and looked at the rides. She didn't wanna go alone and she certainly didn't mind a comic book once in a while but she really wanted to go on a ride. She crossed her arms and stomped after Sam. As they walked through the doorway, two girls ran past laughing as they knocked into Zoe and Sam's shoulder. Zoe huffed but her mood slowly lightened as she looked at the array of comics. Barely anyone was inside and it seemed a lot more peaceful than outside. Sam's eyes scanned across the variety of comics, looking for one in particular. Zoe just looked for anything that caught her eye. Sam stopped and opened one up, Zoe stopped too and laid her head on his shoulder as she read over it.

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