Welcome To The Cave

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Zoe was casually munching on her piece of toast when she heard the sound of bells ringing. She instantly dropped her breakfast and ran to the front door, wiping her face free of crumbs as she moved. She entered the living room and noticed Sam had beat her to the door, the Frog brother's barged through wearing army gear and a bag full of supplies.

"Okay, where's Nosferatu?" Edgar demanded, the two barely even acknowledged the twins.

"Why hello to you too," Zoe quipped and rolled her eyes at the boys. Edgar gave her a smirk.

"Who?" Sam asked.

"The Prince of Darkness,"

"The night crawler,"

"The blood sucker,"

"El Vampiro," they would've rattled on forever if Zoe hadn't stopped them.

"Yeah, we get it." 

Edgar took off his bag, stakes rattling around inside it. Both of them were alert, keeping an eye out for Mike in case he tried to attack them.

"Mike! They're here!" Sam shouted. 


The car squealed as Mike sped out of the garage. The group had decided it would be a better idea to take grandpa's car so when the time came to run, they could get away faster than they would on bikes. Zoe's eyes wandered around the backseat as she was stuck between the two Frogs. Unlike last time, she wasn't lucky enough to call shotgun before Sam had. Grandpa suddenly cam into their view, shocked to see that his grandchildren had stolen his car.

"Hey grandpa! Is it okay if we borrow your car?!" Sam shouted but none of them cared for an answer as the car continued to move. Zoe stared at the old man for a moment, watching as he picked up something strange. He had told Lucy this morning that he was going to be putting up a new fence but as Zoe stared at the poles he was using, she couldn't help but think they looked an awful lot like giant stakes.

"Hm..." She turned back to the front.

"What?" Edgar questioned, raising an eyebrow at the girl.

"Nothing," this whole vampire situation was messing with her head.

"Yeah, okay," Edgar scoffed, knowing she was lying.

"Excuse me?" Zoe began teasing the boy as she smirked at him, "What was that?"

"Nothing," he smiled. Zoe gasped before getting her spindly fingers and pinching his side. The boy jumped at the sudden contact and tried to keep her hands away as she pinched him a few more times.

"Ah! Ow! No! Stop it!"

"Can you guys quit it already?" Mike asked and the two settled down, Zoe quietened her giggles and Edgar tried to recompose himself before speaking to the almost-vampire.

"Can I stake you already?" Zoe's smile wiped clean off her face in an instant before she smacked Edgar.



"A cliff? They live on a cliff?!" Zoe exclaimed as Mike slammed the brakes. No one answered her as the boys sprung into action, both Frog's not even bothering to open the doors as the jumped out.

"Weapons check," Edgar told his brother before the duo proceeded to check each other's backpacks. The twins and Mike watched them from the car for a moment before Mikey turned to his sister.

"So these two dorks are the oh so great vampire hunters you were talking about?"

"Hey! They know more then you do and you're a vampire!" Zoe threw her hands in the air. Mike rolled his eyes from beneath his shades before stepping out of the car, the twins following suite. Sam and Zoe ran to their brother's side in order to help him stay on his own two feet. They were about to move when Mike held them back.

Murder Capital // Edgar FrogWhere stories live. Discover now