Plan B

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Nanook's barking echoes throughout the empty wooden home as the three almost vampires entered with the twins and the Frogs. Michael carried Star whom he covered with one of her many shawls to protect her from the sun, Edgar doing the same with Laddie as the young boy was covered with Michael's leather jacket and the other three hurried inside behind them, carrying different items they had brought in the car such as the stakes. The door slammed behind them all and Zoe looked at the staircase, spotting Nanook standing at its base territorially as he continued to bark.

"Cool it Nanook!" Sam shouted at his dog, obviously being fed up with not only the animal but the situation as a whole.

"He knows a flesh eater when he smells one," Edgar spoke causing a thought to pop into Zoe's head. They always did say that animals could sense when something bad is about to happen, however in this case it already occurred.

"Take him outside," Mike didn't want to waste anymore time and so Zoe took the lead by stepping forward and grabbing the dog by his collar, causing it to unwillingly follow her lead to the backdoor. The boys instantly stepped into action as they loudly stopped their way up the steps, Zoe could even here them from outside as she tied Nanook to a wooden post in order to make she he wouldn't run away. They were half way up the stairs when Grandpa made an appearance.

"Michael!" each of them paused and turned to the elderly man, all of them were stunned and anxious for what the man had to say about their current predicament. God forbid the Emerson's mother were to come in and witness the group of boys in their dirty attire carrying an unconscious girl and child.

"You know the rule about filling up the car with gas when you take it without asking?" the younger boys turned to the eldest who stared at his Grandpa incredulously.

"No Grandpa," in that moment, Michael had gotten all the confirmation he needed to know that the old man was an absolute kook.

"Well, now you do," without another word, he left the room and the boys continued to the second floor and into Michael's room.

"We definitely blew plan A," Sam spoke up amongst the group as they were finally able to lay Laddie and Star onto the bed. Zoe entered the room from the hallway door and took note of how  Michael slouched to the ground and took a breather, she knew he was struggling to stay awake and she was glad that he still was.

"Time to activate plan B," Alan stated as him and Edgar moved away from the sleeping half-lings.

"What's plan B?" Zoe finally spoke up.

"We don't have one yet! We only have two and a half hours to come up with one!" Edgar and Alan made their way out of the room.

"Why what's in two and a half hours?!" her anxiety began to creep up again and she could feel it as it heavily at between her chest and throat.

"The sun will go down and they'll be looking for us!" just before Alan exited the room, he quickly snatched onto the twins shirts and pulled them out of the room before slamming the door shut.


Zoe took around about 10 minutes to wash her hair and scrub her body clean from the grime and vampire blood that had dried onto her skin. Normally she would have taken longer so that she could ponder her day and soak in the warmth of the water, but she knew time was of the essence. She walked through the door which connected to her and Sam's shared room, knowing the boys were downstairs trying to figure something out. She quickly dried off and pulled on her underwear, bra and blue jeans before towel drying her hair as she looked for a shirt she wouldn't mind getting wrecked. If something did go wrong and she managed to die, she did not want to ruin one of her favourite shirts. Chucking the towel on her bed, she opened her cupboard and sifted through her shirts before grabbing a plain black one. As she raised it above her head, the bedroom door opened and she squealed. Turning towards the culprit, she saw none other than Edgar Frog.

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