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"Mike, wake up," Sam and Zoe burst into their older brother's room. Zoe looked at him as he slowly woke up. He wore the same clothes as the night before including his shoes, was laying the wrong way round with his feet at the headboard and he had a new earring and leather jacket.

"It's mum," Sam told him as he opened the blinds. Zoe picked up Mikes phone and placed it on his stomach.

"Mums home?" Mike rasped.

"No, on the phone, Mike," Sam corrected. Michael slowly cracked his eyes open and Zoe saw him flinch at the sunlight. He quickly closed them and covered them with his hand.

"What time is it?"

"It's 2 o'clock," Zoe said. The twins looked at their brother and laughed.

"Give me those sunglasses," Michael told Sam who clicked passed them over. Zoe smirked as Mike put them on and couldn't help but shake her head and laugh.

"You need you sunglasses to talk on the phone?" Sam asked.

"Bit hungover, Mike?" The twins laughed together but Michael ignored them both.

"Are you freebasing? Inquiring minds wanna know," Mike gave him the finger and Sam gave him a fake 'ooooh'. Mike fumbled with the phone as he finally picked it up.

"Hello?" Zoe jumped onto Mike's bed and sprawled out onto her stomach while Sam began to mess with Mike's things.

"Michael, are you still in bed?" Everyone could hear their mother's voice clearly through the phone.

"No, I'm up,"

"Liar..." Zoe sing-songed and Mike shoved her face with his hand.

"Michael, would you do me a favour? Max asked me to go to dinner with him after work tonight. Would you stay home with the twins?"

"Look, Zoe is old enough to stay home by herself, she can look after Sam," Sam had just finished tying a bandanna around his head when he looked at his brother.

"Hey, I can look after myself. I don't need a babysitter, Mike" Sam whined but Mike gave him a small hiss, his way of telling him to 'shut up'.

"Michael, I know Zoe is responsible but you know what can happen when you leave those two alone. You come home in the middle of the night, you sleep all day, I work all day..." Michael pulled the phone away from his ear and groaned at his mother's ranting. Zoe frowned. Michael never acts like this to their mum.

"The twins are always alone. You know, it's been a long time since someone's asked me to dinner and I would like to go, okay?"  Michael slowly pulled the phone back up to his ear.

"Okay mum," he sighed.


It was night time and all Zoe could hear were the wind chimes as the wind seemed to blow nonstop. Zoe stared out the kitchen window as watched everything being blown around while Sam made himself a sandwich.

"Hey, is there anything in here that could pass for aftershave," The twins looked at Grandpa who was fairly dressed up. He was wearing a brown suit, a red and green checkered under shirt, a patterned bow tie, a bandanna around his head and a bowl hat in his hand. Sam and Zoe looked around before Sam walked over the the kitchen sink.

"How about some Windex Grandpa?" Sam asked and grabbed the blue dish liquid.

"Yeah, yeah. Let me try some of that huh?" Sam gave it a bit of a smell before scrunching his nose up. Grandpa took it from his hands and sprayed some onto his hand, also give it a sniff.

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