Head Vampire

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The sound of the front door slamming shut caught Grandpa, Sam and Zoe's attention. All three were in the kitchen doing their own thing in silence. Grandpa raiding his second shelf, Sam glumly playing with his food at the table and Zoe drinking some hot chocolate while she stared out the kitchen window. They looked out the doorway to see Michael standing at the front door with his sunglasses crooked, hair messed and clothes wrinkled. They stared in silence before Grandpa spoke.

"Eh..." Zoe took a large gulp of her drink, "Looks like I'm not the only one that got lucky last night, huh?" Zoe choked and hurled herself at the kitchen sink as she began coughing, the hot chocolate once in her mouth being shot back out. She coughed harshly and tried to regain her breath before wiping her mouth. Sam just continued to stare at Michael with a sad expression on his face.

"Did you take care of everything, Michael?" Sam's tone sent shivers down Zoe's spine. She'd never heard him sound so solemn and serious. Mike stared for a moment before walking off, giving the twins an answer they weren't looking for.


Lucy pulled the car up outside of Max's home. Max was her boss and also the man she had run out on while they were having a date due to the whole 'Mikey's a vampire' mess.

"What's the wine for?" Sam asked from the passenger.

"My apology to Max for running out on him last night..." she slammed her door shut us she got out, "which, by the way, you two should be making,"

"Mum..." Zoe whined from the back but Lucy marched to the small white wooden gate. 

"I better bring this up to the house or somebody's gonna take it," Lucy shouted back to them. Zoe furrowed her brows as she noticed the overly long path that lead to the actual house. She also took notice of the fact that there were no other homes nearby and that they were on the edge of a cliff overly looking the ocean. She rolled her eyes and laid across the seats, basking in the warm sun that crept through the windows.

"Alright, we'll be here," Sam called back before slumping back into the seat. Zoe heard crinkling from the front and slowly sat up, looking over Sam's shoulder to see him reading the comic.

"Looking for answers?" she inquired and he hummed in response. He then turned to a page where in large writing read, 'Hounds of Hell'. Zoe hummed this time before going back to laying across the seats. Seconds later she heard barking followed by shouting that she couldn't quite make out. She thought nothing of it until both noises grew louder and louder with the voice becoming clearer.

"Sam! Zoe! Sam! Zoe!" Zoe sat up and looked at Max's house to see her mother sprinting back with a white Labrador viciously barking at her heels. Her eyes widened and she quickly scrambled to get out of the car.


"Help Sam! Zoe!" Sam looked up from the comic and worry crossed his face.

"MUM!" he shouted and also got out the car. The twins ran to the gate just as Lucy tried to climb over. The dog managed to get her dress and started tearing into it.

"No! no!" she tried to swat it away. The twins grabbed her arms and pulled her completely over the fence. She landed on her back, sighing in relief.

"Mum! Mum!" the twins crouched to her side trying to check if she was okay. Zoe was crouched right next to the fence with the dog blasted her ear drums as it tried to get to the three. She thought nothing of it until it's face smashed through. Splinters flew and hit Zoe's face.

"Oh my god!" Lucy screamed as Sam helped her up and Zoe jumped back, away from the dog's snapping jaws. 

"Get in the car! Get in the car!" Lucy screamed and the three sprinted to the car and jumped inside before the dog had the chance to fully break through. 

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