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"JESUS!" Edgar and Sam jumped onto each other whilst Alan and Zoe stared in a mixture of fear and shock. This couldn't be real.

"AAHHHHHH!" Edgar covered Sam's mouth, they did not want to wake the sleeping beasts. Everyone directed their flashlights to the 3 figures hanging from the ceiling, if you could call it that. They acted as though they were bats, dangling by their feet with their arms crossed over the chest like wings. They had the eyes closed and hadn't made a move on any of them yet, so it was safe to say that they were sleeping. Very heavily, Zoe may add. Each boy looked around Michael's age, however they most certainly were not.

"What now?!" Zoe hissed at the boys, trying not to wake the bloodsuckers.

"I thought they were suppose to be in coffins?" Sam looked at Edgar who nodded along before answering.

"That's what this cave is," Zoe hummed at the realisation, "Just one giant coffin.

"Great. Free range vampires." Edgar moved away from her brother and headed over to one of the walls, quickly taking notice to the ladder leaning against it. It squeaked as he began to climb up it, the rusty metal not being use to so much pressure. Sam let his flashlight follow Edgar's movements, helping the boy see were he was going.

"Remember, you just have to kill the leader," Sam continued to talk whilst Zoe kept quiet, she had no idea what to say. She was stunned and terrified as she watched the boy make his way closer to the vampires. It was rare for her not to have any remarks but in this moment, her mind had gone completely blank, so she just stood there and stared with her mouth wide open.

"We don't know which one the leader is," Alan reminded them all.

"I guess we'll just have to kill them all," Zoe scoffed at Edgar's comment. She couldn't see this situation working out if he didn't kill the right one the first time, "We'll start with the little one."

Alan stepped away from the twins and headed over to his brother, climbing up behind him in order to give a hand. The two aided in give each other one of their stakes before the turned back to their first target, I blonde curly headed vampire that was closer than the rest, "First come, first staked."

"What was that? A little vampire humour?" Sam wasn't impressed which made Zoe smile a little, "It wasn't funny."

"Oh my god," Zoe whispered as Edgar swung his arm back.

"No! Don't even!" Sam suddenly shouted causing his sister to jump.

"Goodnight, bloodsucker," was all Edgar said before plunging the thick piece of wood into the unsuspecting monster.

"No!" Zoe screamed out this time, but it was no use. The vampire suddenly sprung to life, his fangs and golden eyes on display while he let out an rattling shout. The group of humans screamed with him as a thick liquid began to spray itself all over the Frog brothers, from the place he had been stabbed. The screams woke the others as the too sprung to life and let out their own hisses, the group only began to scream more. The cave walls began to shake and Edgar and Alan couldn't even bother to climb back down, they just jumped off the ladder and away from the vampire blood. They dropped onto the twins, all four of them falling to the ground. Zoe watched from under Edgar as the vampire he'd stabbed dropped from the ceiling, she screamed and shoved Edgar off of her so she could get away from where he would land. She hadn't even noticed the gunk Edgar put on her clothes. The vampire landed on the boys, still hissing and screaming in agony, and they tried to crawl out from under it as fast as the could.

"You're dead meet!" One of the vampires shouted as it locked its eyes onto their still screaming figures.

"RUN!" was all Zoe could muster before digging her hands and feet into the dirt walls of the hole they were in and climbing as fast as she could. It was a struggle, but she made it out and looked down at the boys, making sure they were following.

"Let's go!

"Let's get out of here!" Edgar was first, followed by Alan and Sam. Sam took a moment to look at the hole, the vampire that had yelled at them was looking at him from where they were only moments ago. They bolted as he began to surface.

"Come on!"

"Go! Go!"


"Shit! Shit! Holy fucking shit!" They group couldn't to scream as they made their way through the tunnel, going as fast as they could and not caring when their heads hit the roof a couple times. They were almost out when the vampire latched onto Sam's ankle, hissing again.


"SAM!" Zoe screamed as she pushed by the Frogs to latch onto her brother. The vampire was much stronger than the twins as it began to drag them back.

"No! HELP!" the Frogs quickly grabbed onto Zoe and Sam trying to help the pair.

"Let go of his leg!"

"Get is leg!"

"Get off!" The trio had managed to pull Sam a little further towards the exit and into the sunlight. Zoe watched in awe as the vampire's hand came into the light, suddenly bursting into flames and letting go of er brother with a cry of pain. Edgar, Alan and Zoe pulled Sam another metre away from the vampire, making sure he was definitely safe before getting up and sprinting for the stairs the had used to enter the cave. They tripped many times and Zoe was beginning to loose her breathe.

"This is too many steps," she huffed another breathe, "I'm not fit enough for this."

None the less she continued to run with the boys, Sam being ahead of them all as it turned out that he could be really fast when he wanted to be.

"Mike! Start the car!" he screamed as they finally reached the top, "Mike! Mike?!" 

As they reached the car, Sam noticed his brother knocked out in the backseat with a still sleeping Laddie and Star. Zoe was concerned for her older brother but took this moment to regain her breath, the Frogs following her lead as the all lent against the railing of the stairs wheezing.

"We blew it man! We lost it!" Alan screamed at his brother who replied, "Shut up!". Edgar then grabbed Zoe and Alan's hands before dragging them to the car.

"We got rattled in the face of the enemy!"

"It's not our fault! They pulled a mind scramble on us!"

"You guys are such idiots! Just get in the car!" Zoe screamed before jumping into the back, Sam taking the drivers seat, "I'll drive."

"We don't ride with vampires!"

"Well that's just too bad, now get in!" Zoe screamed at them causing the boys to jump in their spots before rushing into the car, both squishing into the passenger seat. Once their were properly in, Edgar turned to Sam.

"Burn rubber!" the tires squealed and scuffed on the road as Sam almost put the accelerator flat on the ground. The wind was harsh in all their ears, however their breathing was louder. Each of them taking a moment to try and calm themselves down. Edgar turned in his spot and looked at the human girl.

"You know, you can be really scary when you want to be."

"You know," she mused, "I've heard that before."

*I just wanted to update this story, I'll go through and edit it later

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*I just wanted to update this story, I'll go through and edit it later.     :)*

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