ch.7- Battle within

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Drake's POV
"Sorry Grayson....." Was all I could say before the pain became to much. Everything went black then white. I woke up in darkness. "Grayson?" I looked around. Only darkness.

"Think again, Drake." A dark voice echoed around me.

"Herobrine" I said and soon was filled with anger. "LET ME OUT. AND DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT HURTING GRAYSON!" I screamed as He appeared in front as me. He grabbed me by the neck choking me. I made eye contact and saw a grin appear across his face and he laughed and threw me against the ground. A light appeared in front of me I heard voices calling my name. 'Grayson?' I looked and saw grayson in the light. I could see that I was on the ground. But none of this is me. I had no control  over my movements. Herobrine has taken over. I could hear the faint voices as I turned my head and saw Mia on top of me. 'Is she hugging me? wait where did Mia come from. Did she find us?' I looked in horror as my body had thrown her against a tree and teleported behind grayson and pinning him against the tree and pit my sword up to his neck. I started talking in a voice that wasn't mine but the demons. Chills ran up my spine. I couldn't do anything but watch. I started screaming into then blackness around me until something hit my head. I soon meet with the ground and everything faded. The voices echoed everywhere.

"This is just the begining drake."

I soon pasted out.

I began to open my eyes. 'How much time has passed since I was knocked out?' I thought to myself. I was still in the darkness. Suddenly He appeared in front of me and I was furious. "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU DEMON!" I got up and ran. Grayson and Mia was no where to be seen. I was till trapped with Herobrine.  He started laughing causing more pain in my head. "MAKE IT STOP!" I clutched my head in my hands. When I talked it felt different. I thought I heard voices saying my name again. Anger filled me as I wanted to get out of here. "I WILL KILL YOU. GET OUT OF MY HEAD" I kept screaming trying to block out Herobrines laughter as it caused more pain the louder it got.

"Your friends are fun to play with."

"DONT TOUCH MY FRIENDS" I covered my eats tighter and screamed as loud as I could. My scream for some reason went super high pitched and didn't sound human. I kept screaming. Everything soon went white. I felt Grayson shaking me. I heard my name and jolted awake. Tears had been streaming down my face. Grayson started talking to me but my ears were ringing so I looked away. I saw that my hands were shaking uncontrollably. Grayson hugged me letting me know that I was ok. I kept shaking.

Grayson's POV

I was talking to Mia when suddenly Drake screamed and startled me.

"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU DEMON" He was still sleeping when his eyes shot open and he grabbed his head  and curled in a ball. I stood up scared from the sudden scream. What he said next frightened me.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD" he had then let out a loud and ear piercing screech that wasn't human. It sounded more like an enderman. Me and Mia both covered our ears as he did this. "DONT TOUCH MY FRIENDS" was the last thing he said before I shook him awake. The screeching stopped and our ears were ringing. I shook him again to wake him up. He wasn't waking up.

Mia's POV

The screech that Drake had let out had frightened me and was deafening. I covered my ears in an attempt to block it out. I had no idea he could do that. Well we found out the hard way. Grayson has started shaking drake trying to get him to wake up. Drakes eyes remained shut. Grayson looked panicked as he continues to try and wake him up. Drake suddenly screamed again.

"DONT TOUCH MY FRIENDS" I looked to grayson as he heard the exact same words. This frightens me. Drake suddenly sat up almost crying. His eyes were wide and he looked terrified. He looked at his hands which were shaking and grayson hugged him. Drake was still shaking he looked terrified. Grayson pulled back and looked at him.

"Drake? Hey its ok. Your ok. Me and Mia are here. What happened? Are you ok? You weren't waking up!" Grayson looked at him concerned. Drake didn't say anything. He just shut his eyes and looked away, still shaking.

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